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Anniversaries, jubilees, birthdays, deaths of August 7

7. August 2024

© 2017-09-23


Archduke Maximilian secures the Burgundian inheritance through his victory over the army of Louis XI at Guinegate.


Simon Bolivar succeeds in liberating Colombia from Spanish rule through his victory over the Spanish at Boyaca.


The founding congress of the Social Democratic Workers’ Party (SDAP, from 1890 SPD), led by August Bebel and Wilhelm Liebknecht, begins in Eisenach/Thuringia.


Acquisition of German South West Africa: The German flag is raised in Angra Pequena in the (later) Lüderitz Bay.


97 people are killed when a railway bridge collapses near Eden in the US state of Colorado.


British and French troops advance into the German protectorate of Togo in West Africa.


The German airship LZ 127 “Graf Zeppelin” officially sets off on a world tour from Lakehurst in New Jersey. The American newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst secures a monopoly on reporting on the world tour, which ensures the financing. On September 4, the airship lands in Friedrichshafen.


The late Reich President Paul von Hindenburg is buried in the Field Marshal’s Tower of the Tannenberg Memorial.


Chinese troops invade northeast India.


With the Tonkin Resolution, the US Congress gives the President the right to intervene militarily in Southeast Asia without restriction.

Name days

Cajetan, Afra, Albert


Carl Ritter, dt. Geograph (1779-1859)
Hanna Melzer, German Nazi resistance fighter (1904-1960)
Ralph Johnson Bunche, US politician, Nobel Peace Prize 1950 (1904-1871)
Kim Borg, Finnish opera singer (1919-2000)
Roswitha Hamadani, Austrian-Swiss writer (1944)

Death days

Joseph Kosma, French composer (1905-1969)
Paul “Red” Adair, US firefighter and founder of the company “Red Adair” (1915-2004)
Kary Mullis, US-Biochemist; NP 1993 (1944-2019)
Brion James, US actor (1945-1999)
Olga Irena Radzyner, Austrian economist (1957-1999)

Only “round” anniversaries are listed

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