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Anniversaries and Premieres of Latvian Musicians Celebrated in “Klasika” with Gunda Vaivodi

Together with the director of “Klasikas”, Gunda Vaivodi, we look back at the anniversaries and premieres of Latvian musicians of the past year.

This one was Marisa Janson’s 80th birthday year, which we celebrated in “Klasika” for a week in January with a parade of all the orchestras led by the maestro. Ending the anniversary year, Edvard Grieg’s “Morning” is played by the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra and the Maestro.

This year, the music world celebrated the centenary of the famous prima Maria Callas, but our To Germaine Heine-Wagner. We are listening to the title character’s aria “I live for art” from Giacomo Puccini’s opera “Tosca”. Together with our legendary opera star – the Latvian National Opera Orchestra under the direction of Jāzeps Lindbergs.

On the other hand, with Emīl Dārziņš’s chord song “Sapņu tālūma” with Aspazija’s poetry in the recording of the State Academic Choir “Latvija” in the 90s, we remember the conductor Imantu Baked.

This year, a round anniversary was also celebrated composer Selga Mence, whose song “Kur tu bija, bálelin” was performed at the Song Festival. Aira Birziņa conducted, while Marina Rebeka sang solo.

We also paid tribute to ours the brilliant octogenarian trumpeter Jānis Klišanas – together with the “Rīga” orchestra and Gunārs Ordelovskis, he plays Grigore Dinik’s “Horus staccato”.

But in the recording from the Vienna New Year’s concert on January 1, 2020, Josef Helmesberger’s Gavotte is played, but the “Vienna Philharmonic” is conducted Andris Nelsonswhose 45th birthday we celebrated on November 18.

Next, we go to the Latvian National Opera, where two premieres were held last year. The aria of the titular heroine is playing “Adrienne Lecouvreur” by Francesco Chilea. Tatjana Trenogina sings, Mārtiņš Ozoliņš at the LNO orchestra console.

But in autumn, the premiere took place in our opera house Complete version of “Don Carlos” by Giuseppe Verdi. Elena’s bolero is played in the recording of Esther Pavlú, Laura Gretzka, LNO Choir and Orchestra, conducted by Frederiks Chaslen.

We also spend a little time in the world of dance: in August we celebrated a beautiful anniversary for the author of the ballet “Antonija. Silmachi” To Yuri Karlsson: a fragment from this ballet “Skroderi comes” is played by the Liepājs Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Gunta Kuzmas.

But in continuation – from Liepāja to Ventspils, where on November 10, on his 80th birthday, the State Academic Choir “Latvija” and Māris Sirmais paid tribute to the composer Imantu Ramiņa. Sounds “Blow, winds!” in jubilee trim.

But for the violinist, JVLMA professor Yuri Shvolkovskis On December 19, we celebrated our 85th birthday. Ādolfs Ābele’s Melody is played by jubilee and pianist Ventis Zilberts.

The name is also “Trio Opera”, which consists of violinist Svetlana Okuņa and pianist Juri Žvikova, a cellist. Inga Ozola. We are listening to “Melancholic Waltz” by Emīl Dārziņš.

But let’s conclude with Marisa Jansons, Raimonds Paulus and Jānis Peters dedication to Emīls Dārziņš. The State Academic Choir “Latvija” sings, the Latvian National Symphony Orchestra and Maestro Raimonds Pauls under the direction of Maris Jansons play.

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2023-12-31 06:12:25

#kaleidoscope #anniversaries #premieres #outstanding #Latvian #musicians

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