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Annexation to the West Bank: Belgian parliament calls for the preparation of sanctions against Israel – CAMEROON MAGAZINE – CAMEROON INFO

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The House adopted a resolution Thursday and Friday calling on the government to prepare a list of “countermeasures” in the event of Israel annexing part of the Palestinian territories. Another resolution requesting that Belgium recognize the State of Palestine was, however, referred to committee, after the tabling of last-minute amendments by the MR.

The Israeli government led by Benjamin Netanyahu has announced plans to annex part of the occupied West Bank. Israel would integrate into its territory the areas of settlements established on the Palestinian territory, as well as the Jordan Valley. This annexation could take place within a few days, from July 1, in consultation with the United States. For the vast majority of other countries in the world, this unilateral initiative constitutes a violation of international law and a threat to peace with the Palestinians and other countries in the region.

A list of effective countermeasures designed to respond proportionately to any Israeli annexation of the occupied Palestinian territory

The Ecolo-Groen group has drafted a resolution asking the Belgian government to take initiatives to prevent this annexation. Belgium should “play a leading role at European and multilateral level with a view to drawing up a list of effective countermeasures intended to respond proportionately to any Israeli annexation of the occupied Palestinian territory,” says the text.

We know that the question divides European countries, between those who advocate a firm attitude towards Israel, those who refuse to consider any sanctions, and those who seek to limit the European reaction. The resolution provides that, if there is no agreement at European level, Belgium should seek to set up a “coalition between like-minded member states”, to work out a common response.

“It is not a fight against one side against the other,” said MEP Ecolo Simon Moutquin. It is about defending international law. There is no equidistance to respect in this fight. “For him, the resolution has two objectives:” On the one hand, send a message to the Israeli government: do not cross this red line. On the other hand, give some hope to the Palestinians who have suffered injustice for decades. ”

The other draft resolution, carried by the PS, asked the government “to formally recognize the State of Palestine alongside the State of Israel”. A 2015 resolution called on Belgium to take this step “at the right time”. In the Foreign Affairs Committee, a small majority believed that this moment had arrived, because of Israeli plans for annexation.

The Reform Movement tabled last-minute amendments Thursday that substantially changed the text. The draft resolution will therefore have to be the subject of a further debate in committee. A new plenary vote could take place next Thursday.

Foreign Affairs
Federal parliament

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SOURCE: https://www.w24news.com

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