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Annelies chases Kris (own expense)

Anyone who slips into the Wetstraat or ends up in the rumor mill sooner or later will end up in this section.

Own money

After Kris Peeters, Annelies Verlinden is the second CD&V celebrity to successfully complete the New York Marathon. With a time of 4 hours and 34 minutes she obtained the 20,519th place (out of 47,743 participants). The Minister of the Interior proudly displays his medal on social media. Unfortunately, the minister has not only garnered praise. The question soon arose as to whether he had crossed the Atlantic at his own expense, especially when it was discovered that he had also honored the NYPD with a visit. The response quickly followed on Twitter. Everything was done at his own expense.


Angry tongues claim that Flemish Environment Minister Zuhal Demir (N-VA) is doing everything possible to neutralize Theo Francken. For example, he successfully campaigned twice against a potential Vice President of Maaike De Vreese, a politician who is close to the former secretary of state. Francken thinks Demir makes N-VA an anti-rural party. On Sunday there was no sign of that animosity between the two. Radio station MNM has organized a tree planting campaign with 8,000 copies in Lubbeek, Francken’s hometown. Obviously Demir could not miss. Many peasants who protested also passed by. They fear Demir’s MAP plans will herald the end of chip culture. The peasants immediately gave Francken and Demir some chips. “Flanders must love its farmers. No farmers, no food, “argued Francken. Demir denounced the premature flight of the MAP plans, which upset the farmers.

Own money (2)

The Walloon parliament suffers from construction problems. Costs are skyrocketing. At three million euros, an underground connecting corridor turns out to be three times more expensive than budgeted. The expenses for the Chamber of Deputies are twice (46 million euros). This last figure moves people even more because an initial plan was satisfied with 10 million euros. The data is in a study ordered by the parliament office. The registrar is particularly pointed with the finger. That man enjoys not the best reputation for a long time. But the conclusion that no one seems to have gotten rich is also cause for concern. All expenses can be neatly allocated. Except that no one has found it necessary to supervise everything.

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