Posted on Nov 5, 2021, 3:45 p.m.
Voted on February 4 by the Community Council of the Agglomeration of Annecy for a period of two years, the Air Entreprises fund started very slowly. Supported by the Region and the Department and with a budget of 1.2 million euros, the fund has – to date – only one finalized file, that of the company Fusalp. For those responsible for the implementation of the tool, after Covid, but also the complexity of the assembly of files explain this slow start.
Reduce pollutants
The aim is to reduce emissions of fine particles, nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced by some 18,500 companies in the Greater Annecy area. Priority targets: atmospheric pollutants from fuel oil heating, still too present in the city, as well as old construction machinery, also singled out. The local authority offers to help companies finance the purchase of more efficient machines, via aid that can cover 40 to 60% of the expenses incurred.
All businesses, regardless of their size or activity, are targeted: microenterprises, craftsmen, SMEs or large enterprises.
Aid for change
The objective is to reduce pollutant emissions into the air by several actions: replacing inefficient heating systems with renewable energies or by connecting to a heating network. Or, to encourage the change of thermal materials by electrical devices.
The other actions proposed concern the acquisition of less emitting equipment (excluding vehicles) and the installation of a pollutant capture system. Studies prior to investments are supported. When this Air Entreprises fund was launched, the implementation of the sustainable mobility package for agents in Greater Annecy was also voted on.