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Anne Will from April 25th, 2021: “Pathetic!” Twitter users shocked by criticism of Annalena Baerbock

April 26, 2021, 10.18 a.m.

Anne Will sharply attacked Chancellor candidate Annalena Baerbock on her political talk show. Image: NDR / Wolfgang Borrs

From news.de editor Sabrina Böhme

On Sunday, Anne Will’s talk show mutated into a kind of TV attack against Annalena Baerbock. The moderator attacked the new candidate for chancellor with misogynistic questions. Twitter users were therefore appalled.

In her political talk show, Anne Will actually wanted to answer the question “‘Federal emergency brake’ in force – breakthrough or ‘low point’ in pandemic policy?” with her guests Annalena Baerbock (40, The Greens), Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger (69, FDP), Gabriel Felbermayr (44), Prof. Wolfgang Merkel (69) and Viola Priesemann (38) discuss. But the program mutated into one attack after the next against the new Federal Chancellor candidate Annalena Baerbock.

Anne Will from April 25, 2021: Annalena Baerbock criticized by TV presenter

At the beginning, Anne Will buttoned the politician straight away. Presumably the audience thought the presenter would want to talk about Annalena Baerbock’s political goals. Before the federal election in September in particular, it is not yet entirely clear which things the Green Chancellor candidate, apart from environmental protection, wants to tackle. That remains unclear for many viewers after the show. In return, Anne Will constantly evoked the completely outdated image of women, which Annalena Baerbock had to struggle with after her election last week. “Somehow it says very stupidly in the room that you only became one because you are a woman. Will you get that cleared away again?” What should a woman answer to this incredibly old and misogynistic question? With a smile on her face, Annalena Baerbock said skillfully: “Well, I won’t change my gender, not even in the next six months.”

Anne Will: Annalena Baerbock only candidate for chancellor because she is a woman?

Anne Will continued to attack and did not deviate from her apparently deeply rooted understanding of roles. But Annalena Baerbock countered back. When asked by the journalist that emancipation alone played a role in her candidacy, she said: “I’m not saying that, that would have been the only reason. I thought I could do it, Robert Habeck did it, the party did it Trusted us both and in the 21st century it is nothing special, a matter of course and it is in our Basic Law that the question of gender plays a role in our society, where we are not yet at equality. “

Anne Will did not give up and quoted Robert Habeck’s testimony from an interview with Die Zeit, where he said that “Annalena is a woman in an otherwise male election campaign was a central criterion.” So she would only have won the election for candidate for chancellor because she is a woman. But Annalena Baerbock didn’t let that sit on her. “If you see it that way!” she says confidently. “Well, I don’t see it that way!” She also reiterated that her party trusted and worked together. This decision was made together.

Annalena Baerbock speaks to Anne Will about her strengths as a candidate for Chancellor

Then she tried to focus the conversation on herself and her motivation. “Of course I checked myself personally: What does it take for this country, for this job?”, Then she named her strengths in the TV interview: “Assertiveness and determination, but also empathy and humanity. A look at the different people in this country, a clear compass on how to renew this country – I’ll bring all that with me! ” All of this did not convince Anne Will and she took off for the next verbal criticism.

“But afterwards in the Chancellery or, it will probably be the Chancellery …” interrupted Anne Will with the gender club. But Annalena Baerbock remained calm, emphatically escaped the hail of questions and talked about establishing a new management style to overcome crises. “In very big moments of crisis”, demands Baerbock, “one must also have the courage to say: It is my responsibility to decide that now!” Above all, in these times it is important for her to focus on social policy in addition to climate policy.

Annalena Baerbock at Anne Will: Green Chancellor candidate openly admits help from Robert Habeck

After that, Anne Will did not pursue Annalena Baerbock’s goals as Chancellor, but subliminally denied her leadership qualities. She referred again to the “Zeit” interview by Robert Habeck and listed “everything he can do, namely lead coalition negotiations to a successful conclusion and govern. In doing so, he draws attention to your deficits. Does that help you?” Baerbock reached for the water glass and wants to smile away the question: “Interesting how you perceived that!” “How did you perceive it – as an aid?” replied Anne Will. Annalena Baerbock finally admitted that the Green Party leader supported her. “The fact is, I haven’t ruled yet,” she admits. “Robert Habeck has experience in government, so it only makes sense that we bring different aspects into the preparation of this joint government responsibility!”

“For me it is nothing if I simply say that I am now copying all the chancellorhoods in the Federal Republic of Germany that existed before,” added the chancellor candidate. “Then why should I compete? Then I’m just a copy of others!” Anne Will replied that Annalena Baerbock is the best candidate in the chancellor duel. In the end, the Green politician admitted that she had no experience in this area, but was capable of learning. She can withstand the media pressure, as she proved with Anne Will.

Twitter etches against Anne Will

After 20 minutes of interrogation by Anne Will, the other guests finally had their say and the question of the evening was finally discussed. But after just a few minutes, the Pulikum was appalled by Anne Will’s old-fashioned “woman at the stove” ideas. There was a lot of criticism for the talk show host on Twitter. Some users wondered whether Anne Will was not aware that a woman has been leading political affairs for 16 years.

“The first few minutes of yesterday’s broadcast on the subject of” Emergency Brake “were directed head-on against Annalena Baerbock, looked like an interrogation and were thus an example of arrogant misogynist arbitrariness – delivered by a woman. What kind of problem does Anne Will actually have”, asked become a user. “#annewill which of these questions would Anne Will ask Mr. Habeck for Annalena Baerbock? It is pathetic how Will and other media are no longer interested in content, but only in the media ‘person'”, says a gentleman.

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Subjects: Annalena Baerbock, Anne Will –

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