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Anne Rosencher: At the IEP of Grenoble, Klaus Kinzler and the auditorium prosecutors

Klaus Kinzler is a German professor who has been teaching at Sciences Po Grenoble for 25 years. On November 30, as part of a week of debates on the theme of equality, he joined a working group entitled “Racism, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism”. The teacher does not hide then – he writes it in his registration email – want to discuss the use of the term “Islamophobia” which we can, he writes, discuss whether it has a real meaning or if it is not the instrument of propaganda. “And he continues:” My contribution may not appeal to everyone, but consensus, I told myself, should not be our goal. On the contrary. The point of an ‘equality week’ is not the equality of arguments and opinions but the debate between equal citizens. ”

Several months of intense tension followed with some students and colleagues. Until students from UNEF, the majority union at Sciences Po Grenoble, posted a collage on the outside wall of the establishment, in which Klaus Kinzler and another colleague were accused of “fascism” and ” Islamophobia “. Photographed, then posted on social networks, this collage then made the rounds of the web, with all that this kind of bad publicity can arouse terror in these days. Since Monday, the two teachers have been placed under police protection.

They take the contradiction as an attack on their emotions

Since the scandal broke on Friday, Klaus Kinzler has received the support of the ministry and management of Sciences Po Grenoble. But the majority of his colleagues continue, he says, to overwhelm him, and the vehement students persist in lying to smear him. As for the others, they don’t say a word. “I am only a small provincial German teacher, he pleaded again Monday on LCI. But I am fighting for the diversity of opinions and the freedom of debate”.

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