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Anne Hidalgo will announce her candidacy in Rouen on Sunday

The socialist mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo will announce her candidacy for the presidential election this Sunday morning, during a trip to Rouen.

This candidacy was the subject of a false suspense, Anne Hidalgo having affirmed Tuesday during the parliamentary days of the PS in Montpellier that more “nothing” prevented it from declaring itself.

This trip to Rouen, whose mayor Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol is close to the Parisian councilor, should be followed by an interview in a television newscast.

Anne Hidalgo adds her name to the long list of declared or putative candidates on the left, including the rebellious Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the ex-socialist Arnaud Montebourg, who launched last Saturday, the communist Fabien Roussel or the candidate which will come from the primary ecologist.

Internal voting

An internal vote of socialist activists, promised by First Secretary Olivier Faure, will take place after the PS congress at the end of September and will allow it to be separated from its potential competitors, including the mayor of Le Mans Stéphane Le Foll.

But it already has the support of a large part of the elected socialists, including Olivier Faure.
Anne Hidalgo is currently only credited with 7 to 9% of the vote according to the polls, but her supporters affirm that “the match is not over”.

Already ready

Anne Hidalgo had been preparing for several months, with a tour of France, then a gathering last July in Villeurbanne of her “French team of mayors and local elected officials”, with whom she intends to build her program.

In August, she had met the socialist activists in Blois during the summer days of the PS in August, before the parliamentary days of the socialists in Montpellier.

Ecological transition, “issue n ° 1”

In her program, not yet unveiled, she intends in particular to insist on the ecological transition, which must be according to her “the number one stake, but this ecological transition must not be done to the detriment of the middle classes and popular categories” , she explained Tuesday, estimating that “for that it will be necessary to put the package, all the means. The five years which come are decisive”.

It also wants to “put the basics of school back at the heart of the republican promises”, rethink the issue of work and the new protections to be provided, further decentralize and restore autonomy to communities, regain European leadership in the area of ​​ecological transition …

She promised “strong, credible proposals, which make you dream but which can be implemented”. “We know that in politics nothing is written in advance”, she added, believing “to be able to reassure the French but also to surprise them”.

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