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Anna Oxa opens up about her life and music in an exclusive interview with Domenica In

Anna Oxa spoke about herself in a long interview with Domenica In, the first after not hosting the post-Sanremo 2023. The singer spoke about herself, her transformations and her relationship with music.

In the Sunday 17 December episode of Domenica In, in the television lounge of Mara Venier she was a guest Anna Oxa. After not being hosted on the show dating back to the last Sanremo Festival, in which she had participated as a competitor, the singer spoke about herself by retracing various moments of her career, in continuous transformation and evolution. Her life, now, is in contact with nature, where she rediscovers herself and her true essence, to which she also reconnects through music.

Anna Oxa and the relationship between nature and music

Anna Oxa has been living far from worldliness for years now: “I’m in the mountains, in real nature, surrounded by peaks, trees.” A choice that the presenter Mara Venier defined as drastic, but which the singer promptly corrected:

It’s not drastic, I always have nature close to me, living in the city has become burdensome, living in nature is much more congenial for me, nature has something special, you don’t need to say who you are, what you do, nature knows , and you are free to perceive this silence that speaks.

Living in this way allowed her to fully transfer her emotions and transform them into something that was truly suited to her being:

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For me it was natural to do this, if I hadn’t done this, I would have taken away my true nature from myself and I would have taken away from people this music that comes from elsewhere, there is a connection, a verticality that unites you to this dimension, you collect that everything, you carry it inside you and you transfer this thing that is happening, that is happening. It was natural to follow this path, I didn’t even have to choose, it was the one, regardless of what it might have cost. But that’s how an artist should be.

However, he lingers on the word artist for a few more minutes and declares: “I prefer to define myself as a craftsman of sound and voice, because the word artist is overused“.

The transformations of Anna Oxa

During the interview, Mara Venier shows her guest various videos that tell of her participation in Sanremo, the changes, even in her look, and each step represented a significant moment in Anna Oxa’s life who, however, looks at herself aware that those images belong to a time that will no longer be:

It has already happened, so I look at myself with love, I recognize these passages but I have not imprinted them on them as if they were something that no longer exists, I experience them as something that was an integral part of my life, of that Anna, now this Anna sees herself with extreme sweetness who has no regrets. I have walked lives in one life, I grew up as if they were two parallel lives, Anna of everyday life and the sound, the dimension where, as in nature, I don’t need to tell anything.

In this regard, therefore, Mara Venier asks the singer if in those moments she can say that she was truly happy and Anna Oxa responds by saying:

I never became attached to an image of myself, to what I could be, say, think, this allowed various transformations. I had what I wanted and I realized my essence, because I could do it. I immediately had this experience and I couldn’t help but be happy, I was living this thing.

Anna Oxa talks about her origins

Finally, Venier confesses to her that when he announced having her as a guest, many told her that he would have had difficulty interviewing her: “I’m used to this vulgar chatter” says the singer who then takes the opportunity to add a detail about her life that few people know:

Nobody knows that I was born into a family in Bari, my father is Albanian, since at the time there was the Geneva Convention, I could not be Italian, I was and am Albanian, and it is an important thing, because the intense life that I had it was that of a foreigner in Italy.

2023-12-17 19:18:11

#Anna #Oxa #Albanian #lived #foreigner #Italy

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