Home » today » Health » Anna-Laberge Hospital: a gesture of the heart from a Saint-Rémoise to the medical staff

Anna-Laberge Hospital: a gesture of the heart from a Saint-Rémoise to the medical staff

NEWS – Annie Lécuyer, a resident of Saint-Rémi, has decided to do her part to thank and encourage the medical staff at Anna-Laberge Hospital and send them a dose of love. She solicited donations from businesses and individuals to offer a pretty coffee cup, with Valentine’s Day motifs, to nearly 250 health workers at this hospital.

Ms. Lécuyer does not work in the health sector. She is an account manager for the major food chains in Quebec, at Vegpro International, in Sherrington. On the other hand, she is very close to her husband’s cousin, Josiane Lestage, a nurse who works at this hospital. It is therefore sensitive to what the medical staff are going through and the heaviness of their work during a pandemic.

“Josianne contracted COVID while working at the hospital,” says Lécuyer. She explained to me that it was really not great. Now she’s back to work. I empathize with them. Since the curfew came, I see several social media posts from people who don’t seem to understand and who think we are doing this for nothing. When we know someone around us who works in this environment, we better understand the importance of respecting these measures. ”

Ms. Lécuyer also chose this hospital because it is there that she gave birth to her two children, who are now aged 9 and 14.

Annie Lécuyer, a resident of Saint-Rémi, raised donations in order to offer pretty coffee cups to the nursing staff at the Anna-Laberge Hospital.


It is about fifteen local companies that Ms. Lécuyer solicited, without counting many individuals, in order to raise the necessary sum to offer a cup to all the nursing staff, which represented some 600 cups.

“I joined the Tupperware team on January 15, 2021 and we had a promotion running for special Valentine’s Day mugs,” she explains. I therefore decided to contact several entrepreneurs in our region and ask them to obtain these famous cups in order to offer them to nurses at the Anna-Laberge Hospital. ”

“I got up on a Saturday morning and had this idea,” she continues. I am very close to Josiane and I know how hard the nurses work and it is not easy. I wanted to do something to cheer them up. We are not in this environment and our morale is low, so it is clear that for them, it is not easy every day. I wanted to do an act of kindness. ”

It’s my way of saying thank you and keeping my spirits up.

-Annie Lécuyer

Moreover, Ms. Lécuyer would like to thank all the donors, namely Dorais Construction, Les Fermes Thibert et fils, the dealer Kubota Brosseau & Lamarre, Béton Lemieux, Coffrage MS, F. Ménard Rénovation, as well as Diane Lécuyer, Mignonne Lemieux, Annie Riendeau, Stéphanie Serres, Éric Isabelle, Sophie Losier, Gina Napolitano and Caroline Boisvert.

The coffee cup that was offered by Mrs. Lécuyer to 242 members of the staff of the Anna-Laberge Hospital.


In the end, six companies made a donation, as well as eight individuals, including herself.

Ms. Lécuyer managed to raise around $ 2,700, which enabled her to donate 242 cups, which were delivered to the hospital on February 12.

“The cups were given to the heads of department who had them drawn in their team,” says Ms. Lécuyer. It’s unfortunate that I couldn’t give it to everyone, but I did what I could. ”


The reactions of the staff were immediate. Ms. Lécuyer has received many thank you messages. Several nurses sent her a picture of them with their cup in hand, to thank her for her gesture.

“On behalf of the staff of the Birth Pavilion, who today received magnificent cups, I thank you for this beautiful gesture, for the energy that was deployed to offer this lovely gift,” wrote Marie-Josée Gaboury, head of the gyneco-obstetrics program. A big thank you also to the donors who have contributed to your initiative. The staff appreciated your great generosity and your gesture! ”

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