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Anna Di Marco fulfills the dream of graduates

Editor’s note: Within the framework of International Women’s Day, we present four women who, from their respective professions, have dedicated themselves to shaking hands with other women.

For years, oncologist Anna Dimarco has dedicated herself to treating cancer patients with dignity through her Women’s Cancer Center in Ponce. But six years ago, committed to her philanthropic work, she decided to change the lives of young people with limited resources through “Senior Prom Princess”, an initiative in which she provides the complete trousseau to the graduates.

For Dimarco, no young woman should miss this party that closes the school year and, for this reason, every March the campaign begins, to which more people and entities always join.

How did the desire to help other women come about?

The prom is the party that celebrates the culmination of an important facet in the life of a young woman. So six years ago I decided to go through my closet and donate my own ball gown. I did this in my office with a small group of young people. It filled my heart and I felt that I had done something beautiful. The year later it occurred to me to ask my friends and my patients for suits. Cancer patients went out of their way looking for outfits and encouraging their friends to give them outfits to bring me. I found that I had a great reception and each year it grew.

A great friend, the gynecologist Maryrose Concepción, joins this initiative. We made this project a life mission, which has been joined by many entities such as the Civic Ladies of Ponce and Puerto Rico, and great allies such as Lido jewelry, Walmart and L’Oreal.

What are the tools that women need to develop?

They must be persevering and determined. A week ago a young woman came up to me and told me she was a waitress. That she had started working a week ago and that she was tired of standing on her feet for so many hours. She was about to give up. I told him that my first job, at the age of 16, was to be a cashier in a supermarket. That, although I was a doctor, I had gone through a process from my youth of various jobs while studying to become who I am. I was persevering and determined. I kept working to make my parents proud and never wavered, even though I felt tired. I told him that pain and tiredness are inevitable. But suffering is something personal. You have to look for your own positive energy that stimulates you to persevere and move on.

How does the entity you represent help women achieve their goals?

This initiative has two aspects. First, in March it is “Senior Prom Princess” and a call is made through Facebook to deliver the donated suits to the Cancer Center, which is my office; in San Juan, at the Lido jewelry store; and the civic ladies of San Juan and Ponce.

In April, which this year will be April 29, at the Perla del Sur Community Center in Ponce, the “Senior Prom Princess Boutique” is held. It is a full day where we distribute suits, shoes and other things like “goody bags”.

Last year we collected more than 600 dresses and the young women arrived at the “Senior Prom Princess Boutique” from more than 35 municipalities throughout the island. They took her suit and there were even mothers who took suits to accompany their daughters.

What are the living and working conditions that you think women should have?

To be satisfied with the environment and work, a woman must never lose the ability to be humble. We are important to our society and our country, but we are just a piece of a big puzzle that together we build something big and beautiful. No matter how high you climb, you must always remain humble at heart.

The woman must understand that it is of the utmost importance to support each other and leave jealousy aside. I shake hands with my patients and encourage them to succeed in their health. I support my female medical colleagues in an environment of hostile male competition.

I support women every year and symbolically support Miss Universe Puerto Rico, since she is our representative as a woman in the universe, and I support each of the graduates, because this gives them the courage to continue as a woman. I offer my talents, my abilities and my efforts to achieve gender equality, equal opportunities and equal rights for women of our country.

How do you think International Women’s Day should be commemorated?

March eighth should be a day dedicated to celebrating the achievements of women and the achievements of minorities. Gender equality is a beautiful human right that should be celebrated with initiatives that encourage understanding, love of neighbor and acceptance. Women’s Day is everyone’s day. I live my days like this, loving my neighbor.

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