Home » today » Entertainment » Anna Dereszowska mentions drinking alcohol while pregnant and warns other women. “It’s a myth that alcohol does not reach the fetus”

Anna Dereszowska mentions drinking alcohol while pregnant and warns other women. “It’s a myth that alcohol does not reach the fetus”

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Anna Dereszowska is pregnant. The actress will welcome her next child to the world this year. The interested person from time to time presents pregnancy curves on Instagram, and also enters into discussions with observers about the blessed state. She recently gave an interview in “Good morning TVN“During the interview, she raised the controversial topic of drinking alcohol during pregnancy. She gave the facts.

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Anna Dereszowska mentions drinking alcohol while pregnant and cautions other women

Anna Dereszowska she admitted that she heard many times that a little alcohol will not harm the child. Moreover, it can even work well on blood. This is, of course, a myth.

I have heard many times that a small glass of wine or a few sips of red wine is even good for my mother, that it works well for the blood. And perhaps it’s better to drink half a glass of wine than to swallow some kind of relaxation pill. Indeed, such a myth, unfortunately, lingers (…) However, the placenta does not protect the child from the alcohol drunk by the mother in any way. It is a myth that alcohol does not reach the fetus – said the actress.

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Anna Dereszowska doda³athat during a previous pregnancy, she happened to try alcohol a bit. Fortunately, nothing happened, and it could have happened, as she reminded about on the air of the breakfast box.

The baby is okay, but that doesn’t mean the other baby will be the same. Every pregnancy is different and that one glass of wine can make our baby have some neurological problems, she continued.

The actress cautioned other women to remember that drinking alcohol while pregnant can have dire consequences for their children for their entire lives. The expert on the air also mentioned the AS team and the FASD.

AS is a whole complex of disorders related to the fact that the mother consumed alcohol during the prenatal period of the child, i.e. during pregnancy. FASD, on the other hand, is perhaps the most extreme disorder that has already been seen. (…) It would be easier to list what alcohol does not affect than what it wreaks havoc in the body of such a young child. Problems with aggression, social maladjustment, problems with behavior among peers, but also susceptibility to influences in adolescence – explained the expert.

It is worth remembering!

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