A 36-minute film, animated entirely alone by Titouan, who, as in several of his previous shorts, offers here a universe with a rather unique rhythm, with a folklore and a singular ecosystem, where the characters/objects/elements mix in a subtle and mysterious poetic logic. All with some Yuasa/Laloux vibes.
See the author’s notes of intent below.
Director’s note (english below) :
4 years ago, at the beginning of April 2019, I returned to Angoulme after a few months of animation (on Vanille by Guillaume Lorin), I opened my unemployment rights and I started the animatics of a medium-length film with the aim of finish in a year.
It was an intense year on the premises of Le Sapin Sympa, accompanied by classmates from the workshop and the few people who helped me with the animation of the film. A year later, after a few confinements, Flavien Van Haezevelde took over as sound designer for the film.
The Novanima Prod team, which had joined the adventure along the way, then took care of the life of the film at the festival for 2 years. Its theatrical journey is then over, and I find it important that the film can continue to be seen.
Make yourself comfortable, close the curtains, put your phones on airplane mode and let yourself board calmly.
It’s a film that was conceived without constraints of duration or narration and that it seemed difficult to fit into a traditional financing and production framework. Despite everything, in my head, the film deserved to exist and I’m happy to have been able to go to the end. The film was well received at festivals and I’m very satisfied with the way it was seen. It was worth it and gave me a crazy energy to push his strange universes even further.
I especially thank Marc Faye and the Novanima team who trusted me on this strange project, and of course Flavien who did exceptional sound work which, in my opinion, brings a unique depth and color to the film.
Have a good trip !
English :
4 years ago, at the beginning of April 2019, I returned to Angoulme after a few months of animation (on Vanille by Guillaume Lorin), I opened my unemployment rights and I started the animatic of a medium-length film with the aim of finish it in a year.
It was an intense year in the offices of Sapin Sympa, accompanied by my friends from the atelier and the few people who helped me with the animation of the film. A year later, after a few confinements, Flavien Van Haezevelde took over for the sound creation of the film.
The Novanima Prod team, which had joined the adventure along the way, then took care of the life of the film at the festival for 2 years. Its theatrical journey ends then, and I find it important that the film can continue to be seen.
Make yourself comfortable, close the curtains, put your phones on airplane mode and let yourself board calmly.
It’s a film that was conceived without constraints of duration or narration and that it seemed difficult to fit into a classic financing and production framework. Despite everything, in my head, the film deserved to exist and I am happy to have been able to reach my goal. The film had a good reception at festivals and I am very satisfied with the way it was seen. It was worth it and it gave me a crazy energy to push his strange universes even further.
I especially thank Marc Faye and the Novanima team who trusted me on this strange project, and of course Flavien who did exceptional sound work which, in my opinion, brings a unique depth and color to the film.
Have a good trip !