Thanks to the quick efforts of Maggie Entenfellner, “Krone” animal corner, Chili is allowed to live
From an animal welfare point of view, it is certainly very pleasing and my thanks also go to ‘Pfotenhilfe Lochen’, who took care of the little sheep
Animal Welfare Minister Johannes Rauch
Vienna/Salzburg/Hole (OTS) – The relief and joy from PFOTENHILFE is huge. During weeks of fear about the fate of the Salzburg “backseat lamb” Chili, which has been in quarantine at the PFOTENHILFE animal shelter since August 17th, there was even talk of deportation to Croatia or even an officially ordered killing! But no one wanted to say anything concrete about it or even decide, the case is now in the hands of the animal welfare ministry. In desperation, Chili’s “surrogate mother” Jürgen Stadler turned to animal rights activist Maggie Entenfellner from the “Krone” animal corner – and then the phones started running hot. The case is legally complicated, but ultimately Minister Johannes Rauch decided that Chili should be allowed to live! “From an animal welfare point of view, it is certainly very pleasing and my thanks also go to ‘Pfotenhilfe Lochen’, who took care of the little sheep.”
said Animal Welfare Minister Rauch.
Stadler: “We are overjoyed and extremely grateful to everyone involved that Chili will not be killed, but will also not be sent on another long-distance animal transport and, above all, will not be torn from her family unit! The little one is extremely affectionate and doesn’t let me out of her sight for a second . Our dogs have also become their best friends.”
Luckily, Chili herself doesn’t know anything about all this bureaucracy around her, which ultimately became a political issue. The conditions to which the Animal Welfare Minister’s decision is bound are strict, but they are self-evident for the PFOTENHILFE animal shelter anyway. Chili is chipped and registered and may under no circumstances be propagated or even slaughtered. And if she is later integrated into the PFOTENHILFE sheep herd, no animal from this flock will ever be allowed to be processed into meat. “Chili – ordered by the highest authorities – will never become lamb chops! There couldn’t be better news for animal rights activists, because that’s exactly the purpose of our animal sanctuary: to protect animals from human cruelty and killing,” says Stadler.
Photos of Chili with Jürgen Stadler (1x with daughter Aurelia with an Ansfelden dog) below (Free of charge with Copyright: Amazing Paws – Lisa Breckner)
Questions & Contact:
Animal protection organization PFOTENHILFE
Jürgen Stadler
+43|664|848 55 50