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Animal, thanks, diversity | Jewish general

Researchers at Tel Aviv University made an extraordinary discovery: They found a species of sea squirt (Ascidiae or Ascidicea) in the Gulf of Eilat, which can regrow all organs in its body – even if it is divided into three parts. The study was led by Noa Shenkar, Dorothee Huchon-Pupko and Tal Gordon from the zoological faculty at TAU. “This is a very surprising discovery,” said Shenkar. “The regrowth of body parts and organs is not uncommon in the animal world, for example in the gecko, which can get a new tail.” However, the regrowth of complete body systems is unknown.

President Reuven Rivlin thanked the volunteers who helped clean up the country’s beaches: “Just two months ago we stood here on Herzliya Beach in the midst of one of the worst environmental disasters the State of Israel has ever seen. It was the result of our misguided actions as humans. “If the Israelis worked to protect the environment, it was not just about animals and plants, seas and beaches, said Rivlin:” We protect our home. ” that such a thing will never happen again, added the President.

Iranian hackers targeted the H&M fashion house in Israel. The Israeli media reported at the beginning of the week. A group called “N3tw0rm” warned that they would publish 110 gigabytes of the chain’s customer data if the demands were not met. It was not known what these demands were. Various other companies in the country have been victims of similar cyberattacks in the past few months, including Veritas Logistic. In this case, the hackers had demanded three Bitcoin (the equivalent of around 170,000 US dollars) ransom. Experts assume that »N3tw0rm« belongs to the Iranian hacker group Pay2Key. It had boasted in the past that it had hacked Israel Aerospace Industries.

The Hebrew University in Jerusalem has appointed a member of the Arab community as vice president for the first time. Professor Mona Khoury-Kassbari is the new Vice President for Strategy and Diversity. In her role, she is responsible for completing the ranks of the academic faculty and students with members from underrepresented communities, such as ultra-Orthodox, the disabled, Arabs and representatives of the LGBTQ community. It is also the first time that an Israeli university has instituted an office designed to strengthen these areas. “I am deeply honored to be the first Arab woman to act as Vice President of the Hebrew University,” said the professor at her introduction. “Multiculturalism and diversity are at the heart of our university.”

Israel must dismantle the petrochemical plants in Haifa by 2031. That was the verdict of a committee set up by the government under the chairmanship of Professor Avi Simhon. Simhon is the head of the National Economic Council. He stated that the Bazan Group’s oil refining operations are to be terminated. The company has existed since the time before the state was founded. Health experts have long assumed that Bazan is responsible for massive pollution and an increased cancer rate in the Haifa region. The committee also proposes to convert the industrial area into a residential area with office buildings.

Nir Zuk, the American-Israeli founder of the cybersecurity company “Palo Alto Networks”, wants to open a new digital bank in Israel. As a partner, he has chosen an expert: Shmuel Hauser, who was head of the national security authority from 2011 to 2017. Zuk has already invested tens of millions of US dollars in the project, writes the business newspaper “Calcalist”. Hundreds of millions of dollars are expected to be brought in from investors over the next few weeks. The entrepreneurs have already applied for a license from the Bank of Israel, it said. The digital bank primarily wants to offer its customers loans. However, there shouldn’t be any accounts. Amnon Shashsua had previously opened Israel’s first digital bank. It was the first new financial institution in Israel in 40 years.

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