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Animal Slaughterers in Ciamis Must Have Halal Certificates

Animal Slaughterer
Bimtek butcher animals in Ciamis Regency. Photo: Fahmi / HR

Ciamis News, (harapanrakyat.com),– Butchers in Ciamis Regency, West Java must have a halal certificate. This was revealed by the Head of the Ciamis Regency Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Service, Drs Syarif Nurhidayat, M.Si during the Halal Slaughterer Technical Guidance (Bimtek) at the Corpri Hall, Ciamis Regency, Tuesday (6/4 // 2021).

“In an effort to supervise the butchers in Ciamis, we provided technical guidance for 30 butchers. This training is one of the efforts to ensure that the meat on the market is guaranteed to be halal, ”said Syarif.

Syarif said, the legality of the slaughterhouse profession is very important, because the halalness of meat products begins with the slaughter of animals which is carried out according to the law.

“The legality of meat can only be guaranteed if the slaughter is done by a certified halal butcher,” he said.

Syarif explained, West Java BPS data in 2020 showed that the population of broilers in Ciamis Regency was second at the West Java level. Likewise at the national level.

“This is one of the potentials that we must maintain. When there are many livestock business operators in Ciamis, business opportunities for small animal slaughterhouses will be stretched. Guaranteed halal meat must be guaranteed. For that we hold this training, “he explained.

Syarif hopes that with this Bimtek activity, animal slaughterers can meet the needs of the community by guaranteeing halal, safe, whole and healthy meat.

Meanwhile, Syaeful Uyun, the deputy chairman of MUI Ciamis, appreciated the steps taken by Ciamis Disnakan. Especially the effort to provide training to butchers.

“Through this training, animal butchers get many benefits,” he said.

Moreover, according to Syaeful, the slaughterer is the beginning of the product or food that is served.

“So we have to equip it with an understanding of the correct way of slaughtering according to Islamic law,” he explained.

Syaeful hopes that with the technical guidance for these slaughterers, the community will also understand the procedures for slaughtering animals according to the law. (Fahmi/R7/HR-Online)

Editor: Ndu

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