SWITZERLAND [NEWS SERVICE] ⋅ Saturday is World Circus Day. On this occasion, Swiss animal welfare organizations reaffirm their demand that wild animals be banned in circuses.
(agl) The living conditions of everyday circus life are completely unsuitable for wild animals, according to a statement from Vier Pfoten Schweiz, Pro Tier und Tier im Recht. A species-appropriate life is not possible for the animals on tour, they suffer from “permanent stress”, have too few opportunities to retreat and work and no space to live out their natural needs such as swimming or climbing.
31 European countries are already aware of bans on wild animals or restrictions on animals in the circus, the organizations continue to write. In Switzerland it is left to the circuses, without legal regulation, whether or not they allow wild animals to appear in the arenas. The organizations have been campaigning for a ban in this country for a long time.
There was a movement in this direction at the beginning of the year in the Zurich city parliament. In January, the latter referred a postulate from the SP and the Greens calling for a ban on wild animal numbers. It is to be hoped that the city council will also comment positively on this and that parliament will then finally pass the wild animal ban, write the animal rights activists.