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Animal abuse in the sights of MPs

Since Tuesday, January 26, the fight against mistreatment of domestic and wild animals occupies the debate in the National Assembly. The deputies examine the bill carried by the LREM majority and for which 400 amendments have been tabled.

The subject “Has become a major concern” recognizes the text which also looks at the “Conditions of detention” animals. Living beings “Weaker, speechless and who can suffer. We owe them respect and humanity ”, framed Loïc Dombreval, rapporteur for the text.

In France, “A dog is not worth a good. United Kingdom, Switzerland, Italy, Germany… Many of our neighbors have gone further than us ”, he continues, indicating that the text “Contains advances hailed by associations”.

Current sanctions “Too weak not very dissuasive” are not “At the height of the horrors” who arrive before the judges, supports the deputy Dimlitri Houbron, rapporteur.

According to the data collected by the Observatory of delinquency and penal responses, “Between 2016 and 2018, 4,401 people were implicated for acts of mistreatment, an increase of 29% over this period”. But the number of people convicted has remained low: 110 in 2017.

More severe penalties

The arsenal of sanctions against those found guilty “Acts of cruelty, serious abuse or of a sexual nature” is hardened. The penalties are increased to three years in prison and a fine of € 45,000 if the facts resulted in the death of the animal.

It leaves the possibility of matching the penalties with an obligation to follow an awareness training course or a ban on owning an animal. The production and distribution of zoophilic content on a digital medium may be punished by five years and a fine of € 75,000.

The exploitation of wild species prohibited

It is the announced end of dolphinariums and menageries composed of wild animals in circuses. The text aims to prevent the commercial exploitation and the presentation to the public of dolphins, orcas, wolves, bears, lions, monkeys, elephants and other non-domestic animals…

It translates in this sense the commitments made by the Minister for the Ecological Transition, Barbara Pompili, in autumn. It requires finding accommodation solutions for the animals on the list established by the ministry. Bill also ends American mink farms within five years “In cages that are too small” to produce fur.

The end of dolphinariums

If the subject is consensus in the opinion, it remains hot. The Asterix park, near Paris, took the lead by announcing, Monday, January 25, the closure of its dolphinarium before the reopening to the public scheduled for April 3. Its eight dolphins will join other European establishments “Meeting the best animal welfare criteria”, specified the management of the amusement park.

An option immediately condemned by the association C’est Enough! who campaigned for the creation of two marine sanctuaries in Taranto, Italy, and Leipzig, Greece. In France, two other parks have cetaceans: Wild Planet, near Nantes, and Marineland, in Antibes.

“Captive dolphins must end their life in a sanctuary not in a concrete basin” , explains the association by calling for signing a petition to prevent transfers to other dolphinariums.

The fight against abandonment strengthened

On the pile side, the French are at the top of the European ranking with 15 million cats and dogs owned by individuals. On the other side, the country is breaking records in terms of abandonment: 100,000 per year according to the SPA (Society for the Protection of Animals).

To tackle this scourge, the bill provides for the delivery of an awareness certificate that any buyer of pets and horses undertakes to sign. It forces communities to sterilize stray cats to limit “Overpopulation of felines”. A forced sale procedure is created for equines abandoned by a professional. Likewise, the neurectomy (section of nerves to limit pain in the foot) must appear on the horse identification booklet.

A vote to ban hunting with hounds

If he recognizes ” advances “, the EELV group deplores the rejection of an amendment by the environmentalist deputy of Maine-et-Loire, Matthieu Orphelin, aimed at banning hunting with hounds and deemed inadmissible.

A practice “Feudal” who “Cause great suffering to hunted animals” and that “Sows chaos”, condemns the activist Stanislas Broniszewski who cites a list « d’accidents graves », including the one that occurred in Compiègne (Oise) on January 5 with the blocking of traffic on the RN31.

“It’s crazy that a question is in the majority but that we cannot discuss it”, deplores Karima Delli, head of the regional list in Hauts-de-France.

EELV relies on “The coming to power of green elected representatives in the regions” to bounce and throw “Local referendums”. Citizen voting, immediately put online Tuesday, January 26 on the Internet, aims to fuel the local debate during the campaign.

“We must put an end to these privileges where hunters can pass over property, threaten and privatize common goods for the benefit of a few, for a morbid leisure”, supports the national secretary of the party Julien Bayou. This text is a “New milestone”, recognizes Loïc Dombreval. It opens the way for further debates.

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