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Anies Baswedan’s Stance on Jakarta’s National Capital and IKN


PAN Vice President Viva Yoga Mauladi said that the position of presidential candidate number 1 Anies Baswedan regarding the National Capital (IKN) The archipelago is clear. He considered that Anies clearly did not agree with him IKN.

“Mas Anies has now made it clear that he does not agree with IKN. Not continuing with IKN means not implementing Law Number 3 of 2023 concerning IKN,” said Viva Yoga to journalists, Monday (4/12/2023).

Viva said that moving the capital does not mean that Jakarta will become a ghost city. He said moving the capital actually saved Jakarta.

“Moving the nation’s capital does not mean that Jakarta will become a dead and deserted city. In fact, this is to save Jakarta,” said Viva Yoga.

“Building IKN is not only seen from an economic perspective, equality and social justice. There are many spectrums. From a conservation perspective it is also important. Regarding water, land and the health of the people of Jakarta,” he continued.

He said the land conditions in Jakarta were increasingly worrying. The land surface in Jakarta, he said, continues to decline.

“Groundwater in one square kilometer continues to be sucked up by mostly 15 thousand people so that the land surface in DKI is sinking 6-18 square cm per year. Some are worried that DKI will be predicted to sink if there are no radical changes. The next impact is the waste of 7,500 DKI residents tons per day as big as a mountain,” he said.

According to him, IKN is not moving Jakarta to a new city. He said IKN would separate the government center from the economic and business center. Viva details several countries in the world that have successfully implemented this policy.

“Examples of several countries that have implemented this policy include Australia (Sydney-Canberra), New Zealand (Auckland-Wellington), the US (Washington-New York). They have previously made a policy of separating the government capital and the economic and business center “said Viva.

Viva said IKN was built as a form of equal distribution of infrastructure. He hopes that this program will achieve prosperity in Indonesia.

“This strategic project is implemented by the central government, regional government, and/or business entities that have a strategic nature to increase growth and equal development in order to improve community welfare and regional development,” said Viva.

“Hopefully this synergistic policy can accelerate prosperity, prosperity and social justice for all Indonesian people,” he continued.

Previously, Anies had repeatedly criticized the development of IKN. For example, when Anies attended an event at UMS Surakarta, on Wednesday (22/11). Anies was asked by the panelists at the event whether IKN development was prospective for Indonesia.

Read more on the next page.


2023-12-04 09:19:53

#PAN #Anies #clear #attitude #agree #IKN

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