TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Future presidential candidate Anies Baswedan visited the residence of the 6th President of the Republic of Indonesia as well as Chairman of the Upper House of the Democratic Party Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono alias SBY in Pacitan, East Java, Thursday 1 June 2023. Anies was accompanied by a team of 8 Change Coalitions for Unity.
The coalition is fronted by the NasDem Party, Partai Democrats, and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS). Democratic Party DPP spokesperson Herzaky Mahendra Putra said the meeting between Anies, team 8 and SBY discussed the current situation of democracy and state administration.
“We had long discussions, especially discussing the worsening situation of democracy and state administration,” said Herzaky in his statement, Thursday, June 1, 2023.
According to Herzaky, the situation in the country has made the Change Coalition more determined to accelerate consolidation. He explained, the Coalition for Change reads the mood of the people who want improvement in a number of ways.
Among them are matters of state governance, political ethics, law enforcement, to corruption practices which are increasingly coloring state management. Herzaky said that the Coalition for Change was looking for a solution.
“Part of the acceleration, of course we exchange ideas what should be done,” he said.
Apart from that, Herzaky said that the meeting also discussed the options for vice presidential candidates. After appointing one figure, then the declaration of the candidate pair as the champion for the Coalition for Change in 2024 will be announced.
“In the meeting we discussed more strategic matters, not technically discussing the time of the declaration,” said Herzaky.
Next: Anies’ vice presidential candidate narrows down to three figures
Previously, Deputy Chairperson of the PKS Shura Council Sohibul Iman said the name of vice presidential candidate for Anies Baswedan had narrowed from five to three. Nevertheless, Sohibul did not reveal the figure who entered the cawapres exchange.
“Yesterday I mentioned three, right. I have conveyed three of them,” said Sohibul at the Secretariat for Change, South Jakarta, Tuesday, May 30, 2023.
NasDem Party DPP chairman Sugeng Suparwoto said the search for a candidate for vice presidential candidate for Anies Baswedan was expected to end in July 2023. He said that no later than one month before registration for candidate pairs opened, the Coalition for Change would have found Anies’ companion.
“This means it can be faster, there is even a rank that we have calculated, it seems July is over,” said Sugeng at the NasDem Tower, Saturday, March 25, 2023.
As for Anies Baswedan, he said that he already has the name of the cawapres. However, Anies is still reluctant to announce the name of his running mate to the public.
“Even if there is, I won’t tell you now, be patient. Anyway, the name is already in the bag, that’s about it,” said Anies at Tennis Indoor Senayan, Central Jakarta, Sunday, May 21, 2023.
Editor’s Choice: ASI Survey, Anies Baswedan’s Electability Is Superior for the 2024 DKI Pilkada
2023-06-02 00:42:57
#Anies #Baswedan #Change #Coalition #Meet #SBY #Discuss #Democracy #Vice #President