Home » today » News » Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar to Register as First Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates

Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar to Register as First Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates


PKB said the presidential and vice presidential candidate pair Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) would be the first pair to register with the KPU. Anies-Cak Imin will register on the first day registration opens.

“AMIN (Anies-Cak Imin) confirmed that they will be the first pair to register with the KPU,” said PKB Deputy Chairperson Jazilul Fawaid to reporters, Tuesday (10/10/2023) evening.

Jazilul said AMIN would register with the KPU on October 19. He said Anies-Cak Imin would come early in the morning.

“Yes (register) on October 19 at 9 am,” explained Jazilul.

According to Jazilul, officials from the coalition party supporting AMIN will be present during the registration process at the KPU. He also invited volunteers from the taklim assembly community, workers, to mass organizations to accompany the AMIN pair in registering with the KPU.

“Of course, the official will be accompanied by the DPP management of the coalition party. As for other friends from the taklim assembly, mass organizations, youth, workers, arts activists, millennials, feel free to flock if you want to join in the enlivening as long as it doesn’t disturb order,” he said.

Cak Imin previously also said that he would register with the KPU on October 19 2023. Cak Imin asked for the blessing of all parties so that his ‘marriage’ with Anies would be registered immediately.

“God willing, we will go to the KPU on October 19, please pray for his blessing so that this unregistered marriage will be a sakinah mawaddah warahmah family,” said Cak Imin while attending a gathering with kiai and nyai at the Nurul Islam Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) Jember, East Java , Thursday (28/9).

Cak Imin said that so far the matchmaking process with Anies has been fast. Cak Imin mentioned that he had been ‘dating’ with his old partner but was unclear about his future direction.

“When the direction of the long courtship was unclear, we then had a national coordination meeting. In that meeting it was decided that we should not stop but must continue to look for a way out so that the flow of Aswaja’s struggle does not stop and continues to flow rapidly,” he said.

“Thank God, suddenly I got news that Mas Anies was also stuck, his relationship with someone else also failed, as a result, he was single and met single,” he continued.

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See also Video: Poltracking Survey in West Java: Prabowo is far superior to Anies-Ganjar


2023-10-11 01:30:53

#PKB #AniesCak #Imin #Register #KPU #October

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