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Anies attends the Ulama gathering in Medan, there is a tabloid “Why Anies?”


Future presidential candidate (bacapres) from NasDem party, Anies Baswedan, stay in touch with the ulama figures in Medan, North Sumatra (North Sumatra). This activity is part of a series of events in Anies’ large national gathering with the people of North Sumatra.

According to detikcom monitoring, on Friday (11/04/2022), Anies arrived at Madani Hotel, Medan, around 13:23 WIB. Anies was seen attending with NasDem Vice President Ahmad Ali, North Sumatra President NasDem DPW Iskandar ST, and a number of community leaders.

Scholars seemed to be praying for Anies to become Indonesia’s future leader. They considered Anies to be patient and worthy of being a leader.

“We started this tradition in 2014 when we raised Pak Jokowi, who is still the governor. We cannot compare Pak Anies and Pak Jokowi to each other,” said NasDem Vice President Ahmad Ali in his remarks.

“What I want to convey is that appointing Anies as a presidential candidate is not because he is a Muslim, but because he has clear integrity and credibility,” he continued.

During the meeting with the Medan scholars, numerous tabloids on Anies were seen on the table. The tabloid is titled “Why Should Anies?” and “Incarnation of the Fighters”.

Previously, Anies arrived at Kualanamu Airport, Medan, around 09:25 WIB. Anies seemed to be greeted by the shouts of “president” from the residents.

After leaving the airport, around 12:15 WIB, Anies arrived at the Al Mashun Grand Mosque in Medan to perform the Friday prayer. The flagship event will be held at Maimoon Palace, Medan, in North Sumatra.

Also take a look at the “Anies” answer on choosing AHY or Aher as his candidate for vice president “:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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