Home » today » Entertainment » ANI accuses Clotilde Armand of incompatibility for having appointed herself in charge of a project financed with European funds and for having increased her allowance / The High Court Prosecutor’s Office was warned

ANI accuses Clotilde Armand of incompatibility for having appointed herself in charge of a project financed with European funds and for having increased her allowance / The High Court Prosecutor’s Office was warned

The National Integrity Agency accuses Clotilde Armand of incompatibility and notified this case to the High Court Prosecutor’s Office. ANI argues that the mayor of sector 1 has appointed himself in charge of a project financed with European funds. In response, Armand denies the allegations and she claims she followed the law.

“In exercising his functions as mayor, ARMAND CLOTILDE MARIE BRIGITTE signed the provisions with which he was appointed head of the project” Improvement of local administrative capacity in the field of development, implementation and promotion of anti-corruption measures “financed with European funds and which he produced a material benefit for himself in the amount of 18,720 lei “, says the press release sent by ANI.

“The National Integrity Agency notified the Public Prosecutor attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice of the existence of indications regarding the commission by ARMAND CLOTILDE MARIE BRIGITTE of the crime of using the position in favor of certain subjects, provided for by ‘art. 301 of the Italian Criminal Code because, in exercising his duties as mayor, respectively between February and August 2022, he signed a series of 5 provisions which led to the creation of an additional income for himself “, also sent the National Integrity Agency .

The 5 provisions signed, ANI specifies, represent the appointment to the office of project manager, as well as the increase in the monthly allowance, up to 30%.

Clotilde Armand says she respected the law within the project financed with European funds, after the ANI accused her of incompatibility on Monday, because she was appointed head of the project “Improving local administrative capacity as regards development, implementation and promotion of anti-corruption measures ”. See the full answer from the Mayor of the USR here.

ANI press release


In the exercise of his functions as mayor, ARMAND CLOTILDE MARIE BRIGITTE signed the provisions with which he was appointed head of the project “Improvement of local administrative capacity in the field of development, implementation and promotion of anti-corruption measures” financed with European funds and which produced a material benefit for itself to the extent of 18,720 Lei, thus violating the provisions of art. 70, art. 71 and art. 76 of Law no. 161/2003.
The 5 provisions signed represent the appointment to the office of project manager, as well as the increase in the monthly allowance, up to 30%.


Starting from February 18, 2022 (date of the Provision regarding the appointment of the project manager, of the project “Improving local administrative capacity in the field of development, implementation and promotion of anti-corruption measures”), ARMAND CLOTILDE MARIE BRIGITTE simultaneously holds the office of mayor of Sector 1, Bucharest and the paid position of project manager, thus not complying with the provisions of art. 87, par. (1), lett. k) by Law no. 161/2003.


The National Integrity Agency has notified the Public Prosecutor attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice of the existence of indications regarding the commission by ARMAND CLOTILDE MARIE BRIGITTE of the crime of using the position in favor of certain subjects, provided for by the art. 301 of the Criminal Code because, in the exercise of the functions of auditor, respectively in the period February – August 2022, he signed a series of 5 provisions which led to the creation of additional income for himself.

COMMUNICATING TO THE INSTITUTION OF THE PREFECT OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BUCHAREST the legitimacy of the administrative acts of the public administrations, respectively the provision of appointment for the position of prime contractor and the 4 provisions with which the annuities were integrated, powers conferred by the provisions of the art. 252, par. (1), lett. c) from the Administrative Code, the material acts for which aspects and indications have been maintained regarding the violation of the legal regime of incompatibilities, conflicts of interest in administrative matters and legislation in criminal matters.

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