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Angry parents at Hélène-Boucher college in Chartres

They say they are “very worried” about the education of their children. Parents of students from the Hélène-Boucher college, in the city center of Chartres, demonstrated, this Thursday, March 11, at the end of classes, to protest against the methods of organization of education, since the return of All Saints holidays.

The Snes-FSU of the Hélène-Boucher college in Chartres calls for reinforcements

The 4th and 3rd students alternate, every other day, between in-class lessons and distance lessons. This measure was put in place to respect the health protocol in this establishment, which has 960 students.

“Initially, it was until Christmas”

“Initially it was until Christmas, then until the February holidays and now until the Easter holidays. This is likely to continue until the end of the school year. We demand that solutions be found, such as the organization of videoconference courses or the use of the premises of the new Jean-Moulin college, ”explains Hugues Mielcarek, delegate of the Federation of Parents of Public Education (PEEP ), at the initiative of this event.

Social return: a hundred demonstrators in Chartres for “a world after better than the one before”

“This situation leads to a breach of equality with college students from other establishments. Children are in distress. They lost the rhythm and some the motivation ”, estimates a mother of a family. Sébastien, father of a 4th year student, expresses his feelings: “In the end, our children will have done half a year. Most of the time, parents are working and are not there to be behind them. “

Hélène-Boucher’s secondary school students in Chartres put words on secularism

Zoé and Océane, both in 3rd, testify: “We are a little lost to follow the lessons. Work at home is complicated. The teacher is not there if we do not understand. “

“This organization makes it possible to limit mixing”

The school results of these two teenage girls, they say, have plummeted. “Between the first and the second trimester, my average dropped by four points,” says Zoe.
Évelyne Mège, academic director of the national education services in Eure-et-Loir, assures us that “the management team has been vigilant to create the best possible learning conditions” and recalls that a half-day of lessons per week face-to-face has been added.
Hélène-Boucher and the college of Auneau-Bleury-Saint-Symphorien, currently under construction, are the only colleges to offer hybrid education in the department. “We have a rigorous health protocol and the Hélène-Boucher college is an establishment with a significant number of students. This organization makes it possible to limit the mixing of students, ”explains Évelyne Mège.

Preview visit of the new Jean-Moulin college in Chartres

The option of using the new premises of the Jean-Moulin college, unoccupied until September, was not retained by the national education services. “On paper, it could be interesting, but structurally, it was extremely difficult to implement,” explains the academic director.

Helene Bonnet

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