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Angloys Fight Hard but Fall Short Against Cergy-Pontains: Game Recap

From the start of the game, the Angloys showed a lot of effort in restarting from their camp. As expected, the contacts are rough and the sticks slam. From the blue line, the Jokers are patient and have a great capacity to project themselves towards the Saint-Cyr goal with two or three players. Alas…

From the start of the game, the Angloys showed a lot of effort in restarting from their camp. As expected, the contacts are rough and the sticks slam. From the blue line, the Jokers are patient and have a great capacity to project themselves towards the Saint-Cyr goal with two or three players. Unfortunately, it only took two minutes for the Finnish Hamalainen, assisted by Barber, to open the scoring (0-1, 2nd).

Hormadi stunned

The Anglo players do not give up but endure the realism against Cergy-Pontains. With a very long shot, the American Torrel, identified as the number one threat before the match, once again deceives Saint-Cyr (0-2.9). He was elected MVP of the match. At this precise moment, the supporters seem stunned and do not yet want to believe the drama unfolding before their eyes. In numerical superiority, following an opposing brutality, Hormadi regains color and reduces the score by Puffer, assisted by Getson and Thiessen (1-2, 16th). Unfortunately, the second third has barely started again when the Jokers find the fault up close, through Gorsanovs (1-3, 21st).

With 21 saves, the opposing goalkeeper, Richard, helped by his defense, leaves no space. The attacks are not structured and the Angloys, under pressure, struggle to control the puck. The Jokers, opportunists, still make Saint-Cyr shiver, who is more vigilant. In the stands, the public is clearly waiting for the gap to narrow. The light green wall finally cracked one minute from the end of the second half thanks to a shot from striker Kazarine, assisted by Bouvet (2-3, 39th). The Hormadi team, mistreated, remains faithful to its fighting virtues and works hard to catch up. The last third is decisive. Will they finally manage to achieve this much-awaited victory?

Anglet managed to equalize in the last third (3-3).

Émilie Drouinaud/ “South West”

Victory flies away

The Angloys hit the ground running again and at the end of the effort against Richard, Kazarine scored a double (3-3, 45th). A few minutes later, against the run of play, the Finnish Hamalainen (3-4, 52nd) surprises Saint-Cyr again and Cergy regains the advantage. Everything comes together, the locals push but one minute from the end, in the cage left empty by Saint-Cyr, Barber seals the victory for the visitors (3-5, 59th). The three points of victory slipped away again, cruelly in the final moments. Now, another major trip awaits Pierrick Rézard’s men, in Nice.

Assistant captain Nicolas Arrossamena.

Émilie Drouinaud/ “South West”

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