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Angina pectoris .. causes, symptoms and methods of prevention

Angina is a type of chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart, and angina is primarily a sign of coronary artery disease. Angina pectoris causes pressure, heaviness, tightness, and pain in your chest, and symptoms of this condition vary from person to person depending on its severity.

Close heart attack According to a site report ” Onlymyhealth“ A major sign of heart disease, even some people who suffer from angina symptoms say that it feels like severe pressure in their chest and there is also sudden heaviness, especially when lying down, so, whenever you feel any kind of persistent chest pain, the doctor should examine it. For further medical treatment.

Types of angina pectoris

1. Stable angina

Stable angina is when the patient is well at rest, but when the patient begins to do physical work such as climbing stairs or walking uphill, he feels discomfort in the chest and is unable to determine where the pain appears, instead it spreads from the whole chest and into The moment he starts to rest gets better.

2. Unstable angina

In unstable angina, the patient experiences pain even at rest, this means that if you are diabetic, female or elderly, you will not suffer from the classic symptoms of chest pain, it can be sweating in cold weather, discomfort, palpitations, and acidity from Her symptoms.

Causes of angina pectoris

It occurs due to a blockage of the heart arteries, when the heart arteries are blocked, the supply decreases and the demand increases, and as a result, patients begin to feel chest pain.

The main cause of angina is a blockage of the heart, and blockage in the heart occurs mainly due to high cholesterol in the blood or due to poor lifestyle and also for other reasons such as diabetes, smoking, stress, lack of sleep and high blood pressure.

A person must maintain a healthy lifestyle and control negatively influencing factors such as smoking, diabetes and stress, to protect himself from serious health problems, as a bad and unstable lifestyle is one of the main causes behind angina.

Symptoms of angina pectoris

One of the most common symptoms of angina is a heaviness in the chest that extends to the jaw, neck, left arm and back, and one must know the symptoms of angina in order to get an appropriate diagnosis and treatment. The main symptoms of angina are:

  • Shortness of breath

  • Sweating

  • Source

  • Dizziness

  • nausea

  • weight

  • Heartburn

  • Discomfort

To distinguish between the cause of shortness of breath and angina, you can notice some things, when it occurs due to heart problems, it will increase if you lie down and will decrease when you sit, and this is the classic angina. In such cases, it may be associated with swelling in the abdomen or swelling of the legs.

Angina pectoris treatment

Treatment includes blood thinners and cholesterol-lowering drugs, and it is highly recommended to carry them in the pocket to avoid sudden angina symptoms, and it is a combination of some medicines that can help you buy some time in an emergency.

If the blockage is less than 70%, only medical treatment is performed, but if the blockage is more than 70%, a catheter stent is made, and if there are number of obstructions, you can have surgery and you will have to stay in the hospital for about a week to complete this procedure.

Lifestyle modifications for angina

Angina can definitely be cured by instituting some lifestyle moderation such as exercise and a healthy diet.

Lack of physical activity and unhealthy chewing are an aggression of heart disease, and if you are diabetic, it is highly recommended to avoid fasting or eating, and to eat every two hours, you must also learn to eat around the clock.

Avoid dry throat and restrict junk food if you already suffer from this condition. You must remain active and understand the signs of your body, angina can be the cause of something dangerous, so there is a need to diagnose, treat and make the necessary lifestyle adjustments.

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