Before leading the faithful to recite the Angelus on the 26th, the Pope urged them to overcome bad habits and frequent sins through faith and reading the Bible. The Pope warned that, as Jesus taught us, “to defend our unity with God and with each other” from the devil and his poison.
(Vatican News Network)On February 26, the first Sunday of Lent, Pope Francis led the believers to recite the Angelus at the study window of the Apostolic Building in the Vatican. Before reading the scriptures, he explained the story of Jesus being tempted by the devil in the wilderness recorded in the Gospel that day. The Pope warned believers to be wary of worldly temptations, as countless sins paralyze the life of Christian faith, especially harming unity.
“Jesus himself said, said the Pope, that he came into the world to allow us to participate in the union between him and the Father (cf. Jn 17:11). But the devil does the exact opposite: he comes to take Jesus Separation from the Father takes him away from his mission to bring us into unity. The devil always creates division”.
Jesus was very tired after fasting for 40 days in the wilderness, and the devil tempted him. Knowing that Jesus was tired and “weak”, the devil exploited his humanity, the Pope explained. Challenge him, egg him on, instill in him a poison that paralyzes his mission of unity. “The first poison is attachment to things and needs. The devil tries to influence Jesus with convincing reasoning: You are hungry, why do you have to fast? You have the right and power to listen to your needs and meet them : Turning stones into bread. The second poison is mistrust: The devil hints, Are you sure the Father wills you? Go test him, blackmail him! Jump from the roof of the temple and make him obey your will. The third poison is power: You don’t need your Father! Why wait for His grace? You follow worldly standards, you take it all on your own, and you become powerful!”
The Pope urged the faithful not to argue and negotiate with the devil. He said, “Jesus defeated temptation. How did He overcome temptation? It was to avoid arguing with the devil and respond to temptation with the word of God. This is very important: Do not argue and talk to the devil! Jesus dealt with it with the word of God. Don’t Negotiate with the devil, but reject his hints with helpful words from the Bible. This is also an invitation to us: Do not argue with the devil! Do not be defeated by him in the negotiation, he is stronger than us. We are to defeat the devil, so that Faith and the Word of God resist it. Jesus taught us in this way to defend our unity with God and with each other from the attacks of those who divide.”
Finally, the Pope urges us to center ourselves on the Word of God, to turn to it in every spiritual struggle, and to trust in the grace of Christ.
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