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Angelina Jolie is dating her ex-mom! “We could get married again in the future”

Angelina Jolie after parting with Brad Pitt she did not meet any man, although the media eagerly created her subsequent romances. Pisano m.in. that she is dating Nicholas Cage only because her ex-husband hates him. It turns out, however, that old love does not rust. The actress returned to her ex-husband, Jonny Lee Miller.

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Angelina Jolie is dating her ex-husband

Angelina Jolie not so long ago, she celebrated her 46th birthday. On this occasion, she planned together with six of her own kids a trip to Manhattan, family shopping and visits to museums. She also met her first husband, Jonny Lee Miller.

Jonny Lee Miller is a 48-year-old actor. in “Trainspotting”, and now begins work on the set of the penultimate season of “The Crown”, where he will play the role of British Prime Minister. Angelina Jolie met him on the set movie “Hackers”. The couple got married in 1996, and after a dozen or so months announced their separation. As you can see – they haven’t said the last word about their relationship yet.

Angelina was noticed by paparazzi in mid-June as she entered the building where Jonny lives in Brooklyn. She was carrying a bottle of wine then. The media reported that her 12-year-old son Knox had joined her, and then they returned to the hotel together. A few days later, she visited her ex-husband’s house again with Knox and his brother Pax.

Apparently, Angelina is delighted that her children, especially Pax, are getting in touch with Jonny. In one of the interviews, she mentioned that the marriage with him came too early, when both of them were not yet matured for serious relationships.

It all comes down to timing. I believe he was the best husband a girl could ever imagine. I will always love him, but we were just too young – she said.

The actress in an interview with The Daily Mail said that she did not rule out a future with Johnny.

Jonny and I never argued and we never hurt each other. I really wanted to be his wife … there is a very high probability that we could get married again in the future – confessed the actress.

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Jonny Lee Miller, like Angelina, recently divorced actress Michele Hicks. Since they are both free now, there is a chance that they will be together again after many years.

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