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Angela de Jong slaughters Khalid & Sophie interview with Jaimie Vaes

Jaimie Vaes told her story for the first time yesterday after video images of the abuse by rapper Lil Kleine leaked to Yvonne Coldeweijer’s juice channel earlier this year. Although the messages of support are trickling in on social media, not everyone is enthusiastic about the interview. ADcolumnist Angela de Jong did not understand the conversation. “I didn’t really get the impression what she had to gain from that performance. (…) It was very superficial. I mean, if you then asked: ‘What exactly happened?’ she wouldn’t say anything about it.”

Presenter on duty, Khalid Kasem, gets a twist on Angela’s ears. “I also wondered what Khalid wanted with the interview. (…) I also missed a lot of feeling with Khalid. He is such a mechanical interviewer.” The columnist especially missed important questions about the motives for the assaults by Lil Kleine. “The funny thing was: the terms drink and drugs, which I think are crucial in that violence, were not used. You ask: ‘Why do you think he is so derailed against you?’ At least that’s what I would ask.”

Still, Angela is in the Jaimie camp. “I don’t think she has anything to gain from sympathy. The whole of the Netherlands doesn’t like Lil Kleine and thinks it’s very sad for her.”

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