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Angela de Jong responds to Linda de Mol’s sneer: ‘Sad media quarrel’

The columnist Angela de Jong (45) is not pleased with statements by Linda de mol (57) to her address. In the statement that Linda posted on her website on Saturday, she lashes out at various media persons, including Angela. In the program ‘Goedemorgen Nederland’, the columnist responds to this.

“What really pissed me off last weekend is that it’s turning into such a sad media quarrel again”

Linda doesn’t say anything about the abuses around The Voice in which her ex-partner Jeroen Rietbergen is involved, as we can read in her statement. The reason for this is that she believes that a number of media personalities are making her life miserable. ‘Having to tell and explain something that is so private, because you are constantly under fire from a handful of sensation-seeking opinion makers (including Beau, Rob Goossens, Youp and the great leader of this bizarre smear campaign, that sad, intensely false Angela de Jong). Why in God’s name would I still do such an interview?’ said Linda.

Angela partly agrees with Linda’s words. “Yes, I read it. That she doesn’t think I’m the nicest person in the world, yes, I understand that. That is also her right,” the columnist responds in good morning Netherlands.

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But she doesn’t appreciate this swipe at all. “The only difficult thing, for her in this case, is that the scandal that is now coming to light behind the scenes of The Voice, is actually the biggest scandal we’ve had in seventy years of television. So yes, there is a lot of attention for that.”

That is why the columnist believes that she is doing something good by The Voice-don’t sweep it under the rug. “There are still a lot of questions that people ask at home in the living room, but which I also ask aloud in my column. That I am sometimes the head of Jut, yes, that she is like that.”

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Angela does regret this – according to her – unnecessary altercation. “What I do find annoying about it, and what really pissed me off last weekend, is that it is now becoming such a sad media feud and of course it is not.”

She continues: “This is about the victims and that is what it should be about. And about the men who did it. They are now also disappearing a bit on the horizon, which I don’t think can be the intention either. So yes. I was sorry about that.”

That’s why Angela now also leaves it in this comment good morning Netherlands and will pay no further attention to this. “I can understand that Linda doesn’t like that. For the rest, you know: I wrote a column, she responded to it and I’m not going to write another column about her reaction.”

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A week and a half ago, the BOOS-episode online in which revelations were made about sexually transgressive behavior in The voice of Holland. In it, several women reported such behavior by Marco Borsato, Ali B, Jeroen Rietbergen and an item director.

Earlier, media expert Rob Goossens also responded to Linda’s statements at our desk. You can see it in the video below.

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