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Andrzej Go³ota wants to fight Tyson? “No problem. A dog takes care of my form”

Tyson, who once ruled heavyweight, turned 54 in June. Roy Jones Jr., a former junior heavyweight ace, is three years younger.

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“Tyson looked better”

Their fight in Los Angeles aroused a lot of interest. He watched them, among others Andrzej Gołota. Asked by Sport.pl how he liked it fight, he replies: – Fight? There was no fight. It was an exhibition, a show. The pace wasn’t even the worst, I’ll tell you honestly. But there were hardly any blows. Because it was an exhibition, not a fight – he repeats Golota.

For this “exhibition” Tyson got 10 and Roy Jones Jr. $ 3 million. Golota believes that Tyson earned much more than Jones. – Tyson looked better. Jones was 10 pounds lighter [220 do 210 w funtach, a w kilogramach 99,9 do 95,2 dla Tysona]and it was Tyson who moved faster – our former boxer analyzes.

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“I would have to train for two months”

52-year-old Gołota, we ask if he would be ready to return to the ring as Tyson and Jones Jr.
– With who?
– For example z Tysonem.
– I could fight him. Seriously. No problem – Gołota laughs.

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Golota met Tyson in the ring on October 20, 2000 in Detroit. During the break between the second and third rounds, the Pole refused to continue the fight and returned to the locker room. Along the way, he was pelted by disappointed fans with various items. With time, it turned out that Tyson had traces of marijuana in his body, so the fight was considered unplayed. After this fight, Golota had a three-year break from boxing. He treated, among others cheekbone fracture and concussion.

– I could really go out to fight Tyson. No problem. I would only have to train for two months – Gołota tells us. – And I don’t know if I could endure such training. This is the question – he laughs after a while. “But I’m healthy,” he adds seriously.

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“A dog takes care of my form”

In the past, Golota fought for the world heavyweight championship four times. He lost to Lennox Lewis (by knockout), John Ruiz (controversial verdict on points) and Lamon Brewster (by knockout), and tied with Chris Byrd. The last duel – demonstration, not scored – in Golota’s career was in October 2014 with Danell Nicholson.

– Do I keep in shape? For now, my dog ​​cares more about her than I do. He keeps me in shape because I have to walk with him for two hours a day – Gołota laughs.

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