Home » today » World » Androulakis at TEF: PASOK’s goal is to become the first party – 2024-09-14 02:02:16

Androulakis at TEF: PASOK’s goal is to become the first party – 2024-09-14 02:02:16

“A party that is second today in all opinion polls, its next goal is to be the first party” . It was pointed out by the president of PASOK-KINAL and candidate again for the leadership of the party Nikos Androulakis during the media interview he gave on Thursday, September 17, 2024, in the context of the 88th Thessaloniki International Exhibition (TIF).

He emphatically stated that he is following the path of the foreground, obviously wanting to leave points for different options, while he noted that they came to PASOK from other areas, in the last two years. As he said, this is a one-way street if PASOK wants to play a leading role. “Any other road”, he noted, “will be a gift to the ND and Kyriakos Mitsotakis”. He stressed that the people want a progressive, reliable centre-left “and not a jumble of ambitions of old and new protagonists”.

He characterized as “the shortest anecdote” the possibility of co-government between the ND and PASOK. With reference to scenarios for joint PASOK-SYRIZA ballots in the national elections, he emphasized that such a thing would result in Kyriakos Mitsotakis remaining as prime minister and spoke about scenarios that are peddled by those who seek to save themselves.

A day before, on Wednesday September 16, 2024, during his speech at the TIF, Nikos Androulakis pointed out that “PASOK will be the next progressive government”. He even presented the “Progressive Plan for the Homeland”, as Nikos Androulakis characterized it, based on elaborated and targeted proposals of PASOK on all these fronts. As Nikos Androulakis pointed out, this plan is “an answer to those who are trying to keep Mr. Mitsotakis in power tooth and nail, shouting that there is no alternative political proposal in the country and that Mr. Mitsotakis and the New Democracy are supposedly government one way (…)”.

These are 8 national goals of PASOK which are analyzed as follows:

1. Strong Greek Region

-Bold reduction of ENFIA in mountainous, disadvantaged and border areas.

– an increase (50%) of the allowance for eligible permanent residents of mountainous and disadvantaged areas, together with an increase in the tax deduction for the second child and above

-strengthening public infrastructure across the country, modern transport networks, such as railways, and electricity, which promote the green transition, interconnection and productive upgrading.

-strengthening the role of Local Government in development planning and measures such as the performance of the resilience fee and part of ENFIA to local government.

2. Access to cheap and quality housing for all Greeks and

especially the younger generation

-Proportional reduction of taxes in relation to the disposal time of closed properties in the public housing stock. And the rent is always capped.

– housing program to create thousands of new social housing from Recovery Fund resources

-Immediate abolition of the Golden Visa.

-Municipalities to assume the responsibility of determining the carrying capacity for

issuance of new short-term rental permits.

-Reinstatement of the mortgage interest tax deduction for households that

they wish to acquire their first residence, with specific criteria and ceilings regarding the square footage of the property, household income and the amount of the loan.

3. A modern Welfare State

– independent taxation of doctors’ fees

– strong and unified system of Primary health care under public supervision.

– New health map, with meritocratic criteria, with a sufficiently staffed hospital on every large island. Fully staffed Primary Care Unit for the smaller islands and connected to the nearest hospital.

-reconstitution of the National Education Council

– increase in public spending on education to gradually reach the average of the countries of the European Union.

– establishment of the National Baccalaureate according to European standards, foreign language and computer certification up to the 3rd high school, support of full-day kindergarten and elementary school, priority given to Vocational Education and Lifelong Learning in connection with the modern needs of the economy.

-support for special education,

4. Measure-shield against accuracy

-Establishment of a Single Consumer Authority.

– Substantial control of high profit rates by the Competition Commission

-Extraordinary taxation of the super profits of large companies,

– Extraordinary reduction of VAT on basic food items

5. Effective protection of the income of the most vulnerable and the middle class


-Inflation of the tax scale to effectively protect any increases in income from inflation.

-Restoration of the National General Collective Labor Agreement and the determination of the minimum wage by the higher level organizations of workers and employers.

-Extension and universal validity of sectoral collective agreements.

-New EKAS for 350,000 low pensioners, our most vulnerable fellow human beings

-Abolition of the personal dispute and reform of the solidarity levy with

its gradual reduction, so that the 600,000 pensioners do not go to waste

anyway anemic increases given every year.

6. New productive model with a strong Primary Sector.

– Sustainable production model “Made in Greece”, with an emphasis on domestic added value, with synergies of the primary sector, manufacturing and tourism. State headquarters, which invests in the necessary infrastructure and sets rules in the market. “It is the only way to reduce the current account deficit and achieve the necessary primary surpluses, without depriving the economy of resources.” In this plan, the primary sector is the protagonist. It is very important to strengthen competitiveness and extroversion, to invest in our “national products”.

-Reduction of production costs in the coming years in the primary sector: With the energy communities of Municipalities, farmers, breeders, processors and cooperatives, for free energy without paying thousands of euros every month and selling the excess energy back to the network to save resources from the other factors of production, such as fertilizers, animal feed, medicines.(…)”What did New Democracy do out of all this? Nothing. We left lignite to go to renewable energy sources, not so that five big oligarchs can take them into their hands and make billions from there, but to go to a sustainable circular economy on the standards of all the countries of the South. They do not give conditions connection to the producers because they do not have, -as they say-, a modern network. To build a modern energy network so that they can produce and consume their own energy. No more deals and priority login terms for the powerful only. Let’s focus on addressing energy poverty and production costs.”

– National Water Resources Management Plan to address ever-escalating water scarcity. With small dams and irrigation networks throughout Greece.

– renegotiation of the Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy and zero tolerance for illegal Greekization practices.

7. Practical support for Small and Medium Enterprises

“-We have submitted and we insist on the proposed law, which we brought to the Parliament, on private debt. There must be a fair arrangement of the businesses’ debts to the tax office and EFKA in real 120 installments and not the mockery that was done last year. Always, along with incentivizing the consistent. Indicative of the dire situation that prevails is that overdue debts in the first five months of the year increased by 22%, compared to the corresponding period last year.

-Finally, as I have said many times, we support the creation of special financing channels from the Recovery Fund, exclusively for small and medium-sized enterprises,

alongside the institutionalization of new financial tools, so that their informal exclusion from the domestic banking system can finally be stopped”.

8. Restoration of trust in Institutions and Justice

“Mr. Mitsotakis in 2019 inaugurated a centralized model of power, which was baptized “staff state”. This model failed miserably and exposed our country many times internationally. A mechanism of power for power with the client state in the lead, with phenomena we had forgotten for decades. This model of power is the primary opponent of the Democratic Party.

Where there is centralization, there is room for opacity, nepotism and corruption to grow. Some have a sense of omnipotence and do not consider institutional counterweights. An indication of the extent of the opacity is that today 3 out of 4 State contracts are made by direct assignment. The wiretapping scandal is a stain on New Democracy’s governance. And they organized the parastatal and covered up the parastatal of Maximos’ company which is a gross violation of the rule of law.

For the Democratic Party and PASOK-Change Movement, there can be no prosperity without a strong rule of law, without a democratic system of governance that promotes accountability, consensus, respect for individual rights and Independent Authorities. The ones that New Democracy fought for. The ones we founded because we believe in Greece, which respects its citizens, their work and sacrifices.

But above all, citizens demand a separation of powers, a truly independent from the executive power, Justice. They do not see her, they are disappointed, they have despaired.

A Justice that has a duty to shed a lot of light on the tragedy of Tempe.

Based on the conclusion of the European Prosecutor, PASOK submitted to Parliament a request to establish a preliminary investigation, but New Democracy refused, applauding Mr. Karamanlis.

Mr. Mitsotakis, we envision a Justice that does not consider surveillance of the Chief of the Armed Forces a simple misdemeanor. Think, gentlemen of New Democracy, what message such a decision sends, inside and outside Greece.

PASOK will take the initiative in the upcoming constitutional review so that

selection of the leadership of the Judiciary not to be done by the government. It is the only way to deal with a large part of these pathologies (…)”.

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#Androulakis #TEF #PASOKs #goal #party

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