Dr. Supaporn Pitiporn, Chief Executive Officer of Thai Wisdom Development Department Chaophya Abhaibhubejhr Hospital Foundation Identify the search for substances from herbs that have mosquito repellent properties. high security not irritated People can make and use it themselves, which is the source of “Andrographis Paniculata” from academic evidence that confirms the information of Andrographis paniculata extract. can repel mosquitoes and although most mosquito repellent products It comes from nature, which is essential oil. But it has a strong, pungent smell, some people may not like it. and may be irritating to the mucosa or skin
“Fah Talai Mosquito has a natural fragrance, not pungent and not irritating. villagers can do it themselves Does not create toxins and pollution to the environment Free from harmful chemicals Made into a product in the form of a spray. Convenient to use, easy to carry, has a fresh, mild, not pungent scent and contains kaffir lime leaf oil. is an aromatherapy Helps to relax and enhance the mosquito repellent effect, not sticky, easy to apply, quickly absorbed, not greasy, easy to wash off.

Dr. Asala Chaocharoen Professional pharmacist Empirical Evidence Center for Thai Traditional Medicine and Herbs Chao Phraya Abhaibhubejhr Hospital said that Andrographis paniculata extract There is an important active ingredient. andrographolide The research found that Andrographis paniculata covers many aspects. It has a very strong effect in inhibiting the laying of mosquito eggs. It has the effect of killing mosquito larvae, resisting mosquito bites, repelling mosquitoes and killing mosquitoes. It has the property of not attracting mosquitoes to come and bite the skin of humans and pets.
There was some interesting information found. Andrographis paniculata has the effect of inhibiting enzymes used to eliminate mosquito insecticides. It can therefore be used to control mosquitoes that are resistant to pesticides. and reduce the problem of insecticide resistance in mosquitoes which is currently a major problem for controlling mosquito populations Because mosquitoes have increased expression of the enzyme Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase (P450s), resulting in mosquitoes becoming resistant to many chemical insecticides. and found the mutation of Aedes aegypti mosquito “Super mosquitoes” that are resistant to insecticides. Especially the chemicals in the “pyrethroid” group that people use.

Research has been tested and found that Fah Talai Jone can repel many types of mosquitoes commonly found in Thailand, including: fever, joint pain, mosquito bites or chikungunya, Zika fever 2. Anopheles mosquitoes Main carriers of malaria or wild fever 3. Mosquitoes nuisance carriers of encephalitis Filaria parasitic disease

Mosquitoes are also serious vectors for pets, being the major carriers of heartworm disease in dogs and cats. It can be fatal and even fatal. Which Andrographis paniculata products passed the test from Department of Medical Sciences that It can repel mosquitoes for 2.7 hours and has passed safety tests that do not cause skin irritation. From the Dermscan Asia Cosmetic Testing Center, it is safe for users of all genders and ages. and pets which have more sensitive skin than humans.