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Andris Freidenfelds about creative fatigue and things that keep you in eternal shape

Andris Freudenfelds or Freddy known as a radio personality, television director and stage person with many years of experience. “Radio SWH“on the show”With a song about life“he talks about creative fatigue and a break in the group”The favorable type“, and also name things that keep themselves in eternal shape and help recharge.

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Freudenfeld, who called himself a media person of indeterminate orientation, reveals that he had enough a couple of years ago: “Mainly, from the load of concerts, all that crazy nightlife and driving around. Then there was a break for a couple of years, but then we somehow got together again.” On the other hand, now he reveals that “The Benevolent Type” is interesting, adding that in 2022 the group celebrated its 30th birthday. “Now you just have to look at what to do next, how to live on. Making decisions is always an interesting activity,” says the musician.

When asked how he recharges himself physically and mentally, Freudenfeld admits to the presenter Jānis Šipkēvics that he doesn’t really know. “If I knew how to charge well every time, I would be charged all the time, but now and then the batteries somehow discharged. The same music and listening to music, contact with current music as well – it helps a lot.” Also charging books. “I still try to read – it helps me to fantasize.”

Freudenfeld also likes to watch movies or one of his favorite formats of the moment – ​​series: “The directors and set designers have already made everything, the cameramen have filmed first-class, the “editors” (editors – ed.) have edited it well and you don’t have to do anything there yourself, but when there is literature, there is a book, then you can find the costumes for the main characters, the entourage and the scenery, whatever. Fantasy works. I think you have to fantasize all the time and be like that in the mind of a child. It also keeps us in shape forever. “

You can listen to the full recording of the program here.

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