/View.info/ “Someone has to pay the covid bill, this hysteria cannot go free”
“For both GERB and DPS, the main thing is not the fall of the government, but getting out of isolation”
This government is an absurdity to serve his entire term, the probability of this is less than 10 percent. Sociologist and political analyst Andrey Raichev expressed this opinion to BNR. He sees a maximum horizon of the rulers until the local elections, because “the tensions are too great, the discontents are too great“.
“The gas in that car will get them as far as they can go, that’s it the end point they can reach and this would be a very big success for them,” said Raichev in the program “Nedelya 150”.
At the moment, it is not realistic for the government to fall, he is categorical.
“That it will not fall from being pushed from without, but from being decomposed from within. GERB very much want this government to fall, especially after the arrest of Borisov. There will be no forgiveness for PP, this is a very evil thing they have done and it will be paid for. They are looking at how to overthrow them, but not for a while and at once, but for a new situation to arise in the country. When will a new situation arise – when someone starts to negotiate with them, when they come out of isolation. For GERB, the new situation will not be that Petkov is not prime minister, that is not enough. This is the criterion they set for themselves. (…) For both GERB and DPS, the main thing is not the fall of the government, the main thing is getting out of isolation.”
“Revival” can become a big party according to the current criteria, but with a ceiling of about 15%Raychev thinks.
In his words, “these are the extremely dissatisfied people who are inclined to offer Bulgaria a geopolitical cataclysm of the type of November 10, almost a revolution“.
“Several things are blowing in Kostadinov’s sails, and one of them is the war in Ukraine. The Bulgarian people are traditionally Russophilic, they have no anti-Russian instinct, on the contrary – their instinct is pro-Russian. At the moment there is a small group of people who are terribly happy about the situation, it was the same during the vaccination, and they shout “Down with Putin!” at the top of their lungs all the time. if you don’t speak against Putin, you are a Putinist. (…) The permanent hysteria offered to us by this small group of interested persons is on its way to bring a large group of Bulgarians to consciously take anti-NATO positions. This is a big mistake, it is made by a group of tensioners. (…) Here it is a matter of nuances of assessments of the war – the West is fully convinced that the Ukrainians are snow-white, and the Russians are mostly black. The Bulgarians are not convinced of this. Most Bulgarians perceive this as a kind of religious war that is not ours. I am one of those people, we are not Putinists.”
The managers of PP are seriously promised a bunch of factors that Bulgaria would remove the veto for negotiations with North Macedonia, noted the sociologist.
“If they remove the veto against their will of the coalition partners and the population, their fall from power is certain. They are trying to get out of the situation – I decided. First they proposed to meet with the president in an advisory council. (…) Then they said – the parliament, in this way they transfer the responsibility to the opposition. The opposition was in a position to just watch them writhe. Now he will have to vote or not. They want to stand before the international factors that they promised them and tell them – it is not our fault, and the parliament does not give. If he gives – the people will say what you are for your chosen ones. Because in Bulgaria there is a consensus on the issue – 80% of the Bulgarians believe that we should not allow the Macedonians to override the veto. The cost of doing this against their will is very high.”
High prices are a very big nuisance for the rulers, they will try their best to control and compensate for this, but it it cannot be mastered and compensated, not in Bulgaria, but on a global scaleAndrey Raichev pointed out.
“A whole series of governments, including ours, will be subjected to a great crunch. The tension is economic, not political for now. So far, a storm cloud has not formed from both left and right, as in the summer of 2020, which struck with lightning. No such thing can be seen now. Everyone will protest, but the tension will be in the fall“, predicts Raychev.
“Does anyone answer the question of why this inflation is happening? Everyone points to the Ukrainian situation, but this is not true. The reason is that on a global scale, a huge amount of money was printed and a huge amount of money was issued – trillions, trillions, and printed and they were handing out. Someone has to pay for all of this. It’s inevitable. Someone has to foot the covid bill. This hysteria cannot go free. This idiocy where we stopped working, started staying at home. Someone has to pay for all of this, and now we will. This war – the situation in Ukraine, inherits another idiocy“, commented the analyst.
Regarding the gas shutdown and the position of our country, Andrey Raichev pointed out:
“Why did Bulgaria have to outrun everyone and run ahead? The only one in Europe to give up gas. What is the reason for this? Why does everyone pay and we, like some pushers, don’t? So that our leader can walk around Europe and shout – here I am the great fighter. There is no other benefit. We are an average country and we have to see to it that we don’t get too far ahead. We are not in Poland’s situation.”
Listen to the entire interview in the audio file.
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