Home » today » World » Andrey Fursov: Internal threat number 1. Russia is taking an exam on its own history – 2024-08-15 11:14:38

Andrey Fursov: Internal threat number 1. Russia is taking an exam on its own history – 2024-08-15 11:14:38

/View.info/ Practice shows that those whom Disraeli called “the masters of history”, i.e. the world elite, consisting of the British, American, Western European and Jewish elite, will never sit at the same table as equals with the Russians, be it autocratic Russia, the USSR, and even more so the Russian Federation. Rather, they will put Arabs, Indians, Chinese or Japanese.

In the early 1960s and 1970s, the foolish Soviet leadership took the Western bait in the form of détente and linking up with global projects through the Club of Rome.

They naively believed that if the USSR was a superpower with nuclear weapons and the second economy in the world, its rulers would be admitted to the world order, the leaders of the USSR zealously joined the projects of the main enemy:

– through the creation of the Eurodollar (Moscow National Bank as one of the main banks in the City of London in the 1960s) participated together with the Rothschilds: directly – in the creation of an unregulated world financial market, indirectly – in the creation of an invisible British Empire, which would later, together with China, destroy the USSR;

– playing “with oil” – under Rockefeller.

These tactical successes set the stage for the loss of the strategic historical initiative in relations with the West and, ultimately, the collapse of the USSR.

Rockefeller and Kosygin

So, the first thing that should be remembered by the representatives of the ruling elite of the Russian Federation, especially that part of it that is ready to make peace with the West under any conditions, that is, to capitulate, surrendering everything and everyone, is the fate of Ostap Bender on the Romanian border. From the recent past – the fate of Boris Berezovsky.

The second “memory” is the following. In the conditions of the struggle for the future, only cohesive societies will be able to survive, let alone win, i.e. those in which there is a relatively low level of social inequality and in which, just as importantly, the top and the bottom share the same values ​​and goals.

A home divided against itself cannot stand. A classic example is the rotten late autocratic empire, so beloved for its class affinity with the current “Ilitka” of the Russian Federation. One push was enough and the wall collapsed, as the tsarist gendarme young Ulyanov-Lenin once warned.

Ergo: oligarchic regimes are doomed. If in them the population is a “food resource” for the upper part, which is unable to ensure development, then they themselves and this upper part are a “food resource” for the “big fish” of the cap system. Here is such a food chain, according to Zabolotsky:

“The grass was eaten by a beetle, the beetle was pecked by a bird,

A ferret drank the brain from the bird’s head

And faces contorted with fear,

Nocturnal creatures watched from the grass.”

In order not to be frightened by the nocturnal creature of the modern world and not to throw an Ilamuromanic “suffocation, an idol” in the face of the Post-West, you must be strong in the unity that is achieved on the basis of social justice and a unified value system.

When you ask what to do in the current circumstances in Russia, I have the opposite question: which Russia – the Russia of the oligarchs or the Russia of the workers? This is another Russia.

Moreover, even the Russian Federation of Oligarchs is not something united. Rather, it is a combination of clan structures of the corporate and regional type, which have different interests and are oriented to the outside world, and not so much to states as to individual corporations, clans, family unions, or even individual families (for example, someone – to the Windsor family).

This once again brings to the fore the power-social unity as a factor not so much for victory as for survival in the struggle for the future (perhaps victory under these conditions falls last, crushing the enemy to death), even more so the unity of the ruling stratum with the people and inside the control layer.

Nuclear weapons alone are not enough for success in the 21st century. a powerful organizational weapon is needed and an equally powerful cognitive weapon – a real picture of the world based on new knowledge about the world and man.

In this regard, there is no need to be “ashamed” – we should take his own achievements from the West, if, of course, this is necessary. The West was ready to learn from the Russians.

In the early 1950s, US President Truman held a meeting with consultants from the newly formed RAND Corporation, among them John von Neumann and Edward Teller, who need no introduction.

Thus, von Neumann, a recognized leader of the US intellectual community, said that the secret of Russian power is not in nuclear and chemical weapons, but in the possession of an absolute organizational weapon created by Lenin – this is a “party of a new type”.

After the meeting, a task was set: to study the phenomenon of the “party of professional revolutionaries” and prepare a secret report “Organizational Weapons” (declassified in 2005).

This weapon was sent against the USSR. In the West, the bourgeois are generally quite good at absorbing Marxism. Gramsci threatened the top: “We will take your children”, that is, we will reformat them. It didn’t work out. And the CIA in the 1960s reformed the youth, sending them as the new left against the left.

George Foster Dulles, Arnold Toynbee, Jacques Attali were admirers of Marx: according to them, he formulated the idea of ​​a world government, but, as Attali noted, it will not be the proletariat that will realize it, but the bourgeoisie.

And how do the inert and vulgar-dogmatic “Marxist-Leninist teaching” bottled by Suslov, on the one hand, and the anti-Marxism and anti-Sovietism (latent ideology of the influential part of the Russian Federation’s top) of today’s “Palestinians” look against this background ?

In the West, the elite studied Marx, Marxism, Lenin, Bolshevism and above all from a practical point of view. The “Russian elite” turns its nose up at all this, demonstratively ignoring the 100th anniversary of October, the 150th anniversary of Lenin, the 200th anniversary of Marx.

And Marxism, of course, unlike the elite institutions of the Post-West, is no longer studied here. It makes sense: peripheral natives are not supposed to have knowledge with secret potential.

During the last half century, many socio-political changes occurred, new types of organizational weapons were invented, the Cold War ended, the experience of which, as well as the experience with the USSR phenomenon, was not conceptually or theoretically understood either in our country or in the West.

It is necessary to create a new organizational weapon based on new theoretical knowledge, today Stalin’s “We will die without theory!” sounds super relevant.

Translation: SM

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