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Andrey Andreev: “Russian-Malagasy cooperation meets the interests of our people”

ANDREW ANDREEV. The Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Madagascar talks about the state of relations between the two countries. An interview.

HE Mr. Andrey ANDREEV has been based in Madagascar for more than three and a half years.

MIDI Madagasikara (MM): Mr. Ambassador, how long have you been in Madagascar?

Andrew Andreev (AA) : “I have been in Madagascar for more than three and a half years now. During this time I traveled to different parts of the island, from Toliara to Antsiranana, and I can sincerely say that I became friends with this wonderful country. I am sure that Madagascar’s strong natural and human potential will enable it to meet many of the challenges it faces and begin the path to sustainable economic development in the near future. ».

MM: Your views on the Malagasy people

AA: « I have a lot of sympathy and respect for the Malagasy people who have a long and glorious history. I respect the Malagasy people for their unwavering optimism and patriotism despite the daily problems associated with the lack of water and electricity and their low standard of living. I am particularly pleased to note that good, friendly feelings towards Russia are firmly established in Malagasy society. »

MM: Where is the relationship between Russia and Madagascar?

AA: « Russia and Madagascar are linked by long-standing relations of friendship and cooperation. For several decades, the USSR and then Russia always stood with the Malagasy people in their fight against colonial oppression, in the development of an independent economy, in the defense of sovereignty and territorial integrity. Relations between our two countries are characterized by openness, trust and are built on mutual respect and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs. I welcome the strong desire of our countries to continue to strengthen diversified relations. This is confirmed by the development of our political, parliamentary and humanitarian ties. Madagascar and Russia, sharing similar views on many global processes, interact successfully in the international arena. Madagascar has taken a position of neutrality in the Ukrainian conflict and sees with understanding the reasons that made our country launch a special military operation in Ukraine. Russia, in turn, regularly supports Madagascar in its right to restore its sovereignty over the Scattered Islands in accordance with the Resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly. The Agreement signed in 2015 on the transfer of the debt of the Republic of Madagascar to the Russian Federation for the financing of development projects on the territory of the Republic of Madagascar is a good basis for the development of cooperation in the commercial and economic fields. . Among the most important projects within the framework of that Agreement, I would like to emphasize the discussion on the agreement on the supply of special vehicles (ambulances, fire engines, etc.) with Russian companies, supply of railway equipment, construction. infrastructure and the creation in Madagascar of a network of mobile laboratories for the fight against infectious diseases. We are also counting on the development of cooperation in the fields of fishing, mining, agriculture, energy and tourism. Both intergovernmental agreements on military and military technical cooperation are currently being implemented.

I would like to emphasize that Russian-Malagasy cooperation fully meets the interests of our people. While Western countries, continuing their neocolonial policy towards African states, are trying to impose methods of cooperation on the Malagasy people that are only beneficial to the West. At the same time, they do not even hesitate to get involved openly in the internal affairs of Madagascar. “.

MM: What can the Russian government do for developing countries like Madagascar that are economically affected by the war in Ukraine?

A.A : « The problems of developing countries began not with the events in Ukraine, but much earlier, when Western countries during the Covid-19 pandemic began to act completely selfishly without caring about the interests of others. The conflict in Ukraine provoked by the West and its economic sanctions against Russia have worsened this situation, leading to a global energy and food crisis.

Today, Western countries are trying to defeat Russia at the hands of the kyiv regime by providing it with weapons and massive financial support, encouraging it to commit terrorist acts and holding continue to put strong pressure on developing countries. In this regard, we fully support the views of the President of Madagascar HE Andry Rajoelina on the “double standards” policy of the West which, while allocating more than 200 billion euros in aid to Ukraine, ‘to forget that millions of children are dying of hunger. in African countries. We are reaching the point where the West is trying to prevent Russia from providing aid and developing mutually beneficial cooperation with the countries of the South . We can recall here several cases where Russian aid, in the form of grain and fertilizer deliveries, was not able to reach its recipients in Africa due to the actions of the West. Nevertheless, Russia continues to provide multilateral support to the countries of the African continent.

This is absolutely true of Madagascar. Recently 322.5 tons of Russian food was delivered here for school feeding in the southern part of the country. After the devastating impact of Cyclone Gamane, Russia donated two batches of medical technology equipment. Mobile medical diagnostic laboratory delivery underway ».

MM: Can Russia help Madagascar in energy matters, especially in the area of ​​oil supply?

AA: « Issues of cooperation between Russia and Madagascar in the energy sector are always on the agenda of our dialogue with the political leaders of the Big Island. Russia has a lot to offer for the rapid and qualitative strengthening of Madagascar’s energy potential. In particular, large Russian companies have proposals for the use of solar and wind energy. The world-famous company Rosatom is ready to consider cooperation in the field of nuclear energy, for example, the construction of small nuclear power plants. Russia is also willing to discuss other issues, including oil supplies ».

MM: Is it possible to re-establish the air link between Moscow and Antananarivo as it was in the days of Aeroflot?

AA: « This matter is also on the agenda of our negotiations. At the same time, it should be noted that the prerequisites for opening the air connection are not yet sufficient. The lack of tourist infrastructure on the island is currently slowing down Russian tourists. In addition, the dynamics of trade and economic cooperation are developing slowly. Nevertheless, I am confident that as ties between our two countries strengthen, the Russian airline Aeroflot will start flights to Antananarivo, and eventually to other cities in Madagascar .. »

MM: The same question regarding the awarding of scholarships in Russia for Malagasy students

AA: « Humanitarian cooperation remains the traditional mainstay of our bilateral relations. Every year, Russia gives 40 scholarships to Malagasy citizens to study in Russian universities. A large number of Malagasy people follow special training courses in Russia offered by the Russian side or study there at their own expense. In general, over the years of official relations (since 1972), more than 5 thousand Malagasy people have been trained in Russia.

An effective system for teaching the Russian language was established in Malagasy schools. The Center “Russkiy Mir” works at the University of Antananarivo. A Russian Language Research Center was also recently opened there.”

MM: The last word

AA: « As we can see, there is great potential to strengthen the ties of friendship and diverse cooperation of our countries. I am sure that friendly Russian-Malagasy relations will only strengthen in the future.

Undoubtedly the planned participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Madagascar HE Mrs Rafaravavitafika Rasata in the first Ministerial Conference of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum, which will be held on November 9-10, 2024 in the Russian city of Sochi. an important boost to our bilateral relationship. This Conference will be held in accordance with the decisions of the second summit between Russia and Africa in 2023 and aims to implement the agreements reached at the summit to effective as well as strengthening Russian-African cooperation in the commercial and economic, scientific and technical, cultural, humanitarian and other fields. On the sidelines of the Conference, it is planned to organize events of an economic and humanitarian nature, as well as roundtables on international information security, cooperation against terrorism, prevention of an arms race in space. Bilateral contacts will also be given an important role.”.

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