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Andrew Yang will New York City regieren

New York City

Biden’s ex-competitor wants to become the Big Apple boss – but his subway dizziness puts him in trouble

As a US presidential candidate, Andrew Yang promised an unconditional basic income. Now he wants to rule America’s largest city.

He is currently in fourth place in the race for the powerful office: Andrew Yang.


Andrew Yang has a character trait that every politician envies him for – especially in a political shark tank like New York, the largest city in America: He does not allow himself to be confused. His competitors may smile at the former entrepreneur and failed Democratic presidential candidate for failing to envision Yang as New York City President. It may be that the candidate regularly fools, which is not particularly difficult in a city where 8.3 million people live and more than 600 languages ​​are spoken. Yang, however, is unwavering. He believes in his mission and just keeps going.

Tomorrow, June 22nd, the all-important primaries for the democratic candidates will take place. Whoever wins it can be celebrated as the successor to incumbent Mayor Bill de Blasio. The Republicans have little chance of winning office.

Andrew Yang, during a press conference in the Bronx, New York.

Andrew Yang, during a press conference in the Bronx, New York.

Renzo reputation

Yang stumbles upon the subway hoax

Andrew Yang, who spoke out in favor of an unconditional basic income of $ 1,000 for all adult Americans in the 2020 White House race, is currently in fourth place in favor of voters, behind ex-police officer Eric Adams, civil rights activist Maya Wiley and recycling Commissioner Kathryn Garcia. Nobody denies that the son of Taiwanese immigrants has a flair for self-promotion and crisp topics. For example, he positioned himself early on as a supporter of the NYPD City Police, after a worrying rise in robberies and thefts. He also spoke from his own experience and emotionally about the everyday racism against which Americans with Asian roots have to fight.

But even his most loyal followers sometimes wonder if Yang actually knows what he’s talking about when he has to take a stand on New York issues. He often gives the impression that he is only superficially familiar with the city in which he has lived for two decades. Then, for example, when he says he took the A-line of the subway to the Bronx, even though those trains don’t even go to the neighborhood. Every real New Yorker claims to know the iconic route map of the “Subway” by heart, even though it looks like a complex colored spaghetti labyrinth.

Yang has already heard this criticism. A few months ago he was forced to admit that he had never participated in a city election.

The advantage of the inexperienced

However, the 46-year-old does not see his inexperience in local matters as a disadvantage. He is just an outsider, he says during a press conference in the Bronx. This enables him to take a fresh look at problems. Nor does he have to take into account the established circles of power in the city – an allusion to the incumbent mayor Bill de Blasio, whose resignation Democrats and Republicans alike are delighted. Yang says: “It is time for a fundamental change.”

This time, however, he does not underpin this desire for “change” with revolutionary proposals such as the introduction of an unconditional basic income for everyone – although in the race for the White House he attracted attention with weird ideas and funny slogans. Instead, in New York, he’s talking about a new city park here or a particularly tasty hot dog there.

When asked whether he doesn’t sometimes struggle with the fact that he can no longer talk about his visions with which he wanted to change the whole country, Yang, quite the politician, replies: No, he loves being in the Bronx Talking to “hundreds of thousands of people” about their everyday worries.

In addition, he now sees his family again every day. “This is a massive improvement over the 2020 primaries,” said Yang, father of two sons, on the sidelines of his appearance in the Bronx to this newspaper. Then he laughs his infectious laugh.

And perhaps this is what makes Andrew Yang’s candidacy so charming: He’s a politician who doesn’t want to hurt almost anyone. Its main goal is to encourage the battered population in year one after the corona pandemic. He wants to spread a good mood and signal to the rest of the country that New York City can be expected again – loud, direct and always a bit over the top. Or, as a supporter in the Bronx put it: Yang would be “a cheerleader” for a city that may currently need nothing more than just that: someone who will celebrate and cheer them on in these difficult times.

Stadtpräsidentenwahl in New York City

Who will succeed Bill de Blasio?

Two men and two women can still hope to win the Democratic primary for city presidency in New York City (and thus in fact the office itself, because Republicans have little chance). It could take some time until it is clear whether ex-police officer Eric Adams, civil rights activist Maya Wiley, recycling commissioner Kathryn Garcia or ex-presidential candidate Andrew Yang will become New York’s mayor on January 1, 2022. The electoral process is responsible for this. New Yorkers can submit their preference for up to five candidates (“Ranked Choice”). This will favor the applicant who is least hated by the supporters of the competition. (rr) (rr)

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