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Andrew Cuomo visits the Bronx to meet with religious and Hispanic leaders in New York | Your Political City New York

Patricia: thanks for continuingwith us, the bells ringbells of a possible careerfor the government for andrewcuomo.former governor has released a coupleof television commercials, andthis morning he met withHispanic religious leaders inthe bronxisabel peralta gil waspresent tells us whatdiscussed at that meeting.good afternoon.Elizabeth: Good afternoon.until recently he was hereformer Governor Andrew Cuomo,in this churchfor an invitationdid the hispanic clergy of newyork, ministers, including thereverend ruén diaz, who wasPart ofnew city councilyork until recently, and alsoformer state senator.it was expected that as I saidpolitical aspirations and ifwould launch again asgovernorin the next electionsbut this answer was not givenin limbo, with expectation.he didn’t say ini no, but he said thatfor now what i can say isthat he will continue workingbyNew Yorkers, anddefinitely criticizedcurrently exists everywherethe Pee,of extremists, radicals whooccur everywhere, buton social media,they are people who in what inknow, that they show hatred inagainst those who do notThey think the same as them.says that it already existed in therepublican party and nowis taking place betweenDemocrats.says definitely thatit is not aerial, it is not thehere I have the reverend, whohe is a great friend of hismany years, and also colleagueof the Democratic party.you mentioned thathat scolded him, himdid they give a concise answer?with a few words is enough,the saying goes, sometimes you don’tmust that í ni no, but thepeople read between the lines whatthat is not said in what isis saying. I think that hewho is the governorcandidate, he did not say so, butthe assistance here, the messageWhat did he say?of the achievements he has made, ofthe help you have givenfor all of us, I believelittle bit,a message headed for acandidacy.isabel: he criticized thecriminality,which has drastically increasedhe was working on itto defund thepolice, lack of policein the subwaybut he lacks the support of thestatus, eric adams.What are those points of thethat you are proud ofgovernor?in the bronx we have theconstruction of foursubway stations, whichwill give you the benefits, inway,we have the renewal, so manythings the governor did,culture sitecancellation,of people who don’t think likeme, they love me right awayremove, or him, and is criminal.Elizabeth: Thank you.

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