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Andrew Cuomo, the fall of the “King of New York”? – Release

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The Democratic governor of New York State, praised for his management of the pandemic, finds himself in the hot seat, accused of sexual harassment and of having downgraded the numbers of deaths linked to Covid in retirement homes.

through Philippe Coste, interim in New York

published on March 2, 2021 at 12:34 p.m.

The rougher the fall. Last October, the venerable magazine The New Yorker crowned him “King of New York”. The title of his long portrait augured well for a few spikes on the autocratic style, the loudmouth and the folklore scandals of the almighty Governor Andrew Cuomo. But he also paid tribute, a few weeks before the possible victory of the purring Joe Biden in the presidential election, to a unique specimen of a species reputed to be extinct: a Democratic leader capable of captivating the crowds and reassuring them; a flagship of the establishment, son of Mario Cuomo, imposing governor of the State from 1983 to 1994, revealed as a true helmsman during the Covid storm which, since early 2020, had hit the State of N with full force …

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