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Andrés Manuel López Obrador: Abusing Power and Privacy Violations Uncovered

The six-year term of Andrés Manuel López Obrador remembered as a President who abused his power and used the means and state resources, together with the power of the Presidency of the Republic, to attack, display and distribute private information and personal, property and fiscal data of critical journalists and opponents of their government. If it is already with Carlos Loret, the Mexican president broke all the laws that protect the privacy and tax data of Mexican citizens, yesterday by María Amparo Casar, director of the group “Mexicanos contra la Corrupción” , which investigates and records political corruption issues y governmentLópez Obrador crossed all limits again and used power again to expose and present the academic for the case of her husband’s suicide that happened in 2004.

Because direct accusations from the Presidency of the Republic were released yesterday for an alleged act of corruption against the academic and political scientist, which was only done verbally from the presidential conference with a leader Pemex, Octavio Romero Oropeza, but also by the President himself who used the suicide of Casar’s husband to expose him and question his “moral authority” to investigate cases of corruption. “It was determined to be a suicide, so it could be treated as an accident and insurance and compensation would be paid. ” Life pension from 130 thousand pesos per month to Mrs. With all due respect, but suddenly they become the defenders of democracy… What is the moral authority? : “And did Héctor already forget that he received money from Carlos Salinas de Gortari?

The first was the director of Pemex, Octavio Romero Oropeza, who was from the same morning National Palace He directly accused María Amparo of being involved in a corrupt action against the oil company. “This is an important issue because it is an issue of corruption, led by those who say they are fighting corruption or by those who are in charge of Mexicans, that they are saying they are against corruption, but in reality they are for corruption,” he said with Romero Oropeza is sarcastic when he tells his version of the death of Carlos Fernández Márquez Padilla, which happened when he fell from the 12 floor of the Pemex Towerwhich was finally ruled by the experts of the DF Attorney General’s Office as a suicide, but the life insurance and pension payments post mortem was asked by María Amparo to pretend it was a work accident.

“This was all before there was expert opinion. The Pemex officials “They gave him the treatment of an accident, without waiting for the opinion of the Ministry of the Public which finally concluded that it was a suicide,” said the director of Pemex, who said at the time that Casar and the writer . Hector Aguilar Camin They were looking for the capital lawyer at the time, Samuel del Villar, “to ask him to change the regulation, so that it would not look like a suicide but an accident, so that the payment of both some insurance and retirement to go on, but it was. he decided it was suicide.”

Yesterday evening the direct suspension of the President continued and from the official website of the Presidency of the Republic there is the complete legal file of that case of death Carlos Fernandez, who at the time of his death was serving as coordinator of Consultants for Pemex’s Corporate Administration Department. The official document from the Attorney General’s Office of the capital, which talks about the suicide of a Pemex official, was uploaded without verification and presents the personal data of the deceased and his family members.

The opinions of academic and political circles immediately defended María Amparo Casar and condemned what they called “the abuse of the President. ” In a letter signed by José Woldenberg, Lorenzo Córdova, Jaqueline Peschard, Ciro Murayama, Hortensia Santiago, Raúl Trejo Delabre, Patricia Ortega, Ricardo Becerra, Natalia Cervantes, Luis Emilio Giménez Cacho and Rubén Álvarez, among others, accuse the president of moving it. the limits of his power. “With the publication of a file full of documents and personal data, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador breaks the legal, but also moral, boundaries that organize public life in our country. In his desire to take personal revenge against a citizen who has made a serious and critical analysis of the various abuses of the current government, the President breaks several laws, weighing on the public debate less than a month before the elections and hurting family, say academics and ex-officers of the INE in his letter.

They also pointed out that “the documents that were illegally presented this afternoon by the Presidency of the Republic do not clarify at all the alleged irregularity regarding the payment of life insurance two decades ago. Its distribution violates the privacy in the handling of personal data. What the publication of this file shows is sick behavior, with unusual abuse of power, by the President of the Republic. Power is not and should not be absolute, capricious, or vengeful. The Presidency’s attacks on citizens must stop,” the signatories demand.

And apart from the clear political reasons that the President has for launching a campaign against María Amparo Casar, it is true that the power of the Presidency cannot be used for revenge and attacks against citizens who also criticizes the government. But this is not the first time that López Obrador is abusing his power and who knows if this will be the last in the five months that his government has left. Especially since the President is increasingly strong in his actions as Political Leader and leader of the Morena campaign and his presidential candidate, who he is praising one day and the next he is saying that “Sheinbaum is going to win. “

In this desire, López Obrador has crossed the line between what is legal and what is moral in the President’s actions towards the citizens. He interfered with the private life of a citizen to accuse an act of corruption which is not even fully proven by the court file illegally issued by the President. It seems that Andrés Manuel is still determined to receive complaints, insults and crimes until the last day of his presidency. Just that the great power of the Presidency will end as soon as the term ends. sex-yearand who knows whether whoever wins the presidential election will want to carry all those grievances and resentment that the Tabasco native will leave behind and, of course, once e foot outside the palace, many citizens will be hurt and offended. They are going to ask the man who said he will go to “La Chingada” to charge them.


They say that there are no coincidences in politics and yesterday, the former presidential spokesman Vicente Fox, Rubén Aguilar, posted the following message to Twitter from his personal account: “People are close to López Obrador tells me that he has already separated from his wife, that will be revealed when his term ends.” Could it be that once the boundaries of private life have been breached by the Presidency, now they are also going to broadcast their secrets to the President? When she even made international trips to several countries in the Caribbean carrying official representation on behalf of the Mexican government to promote cultural exchanges with other countries, Dr. Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller was not seen recently in public activities. Claudia Sheinbaum’s campaign team handles rumors of including the current wife of the president in the final cabinet of the Morenista candidate. Could it be that Mrs. Beatriz is not going to the Palenque field?…As for electoral wars, it will be interesting to know which Mexican bank, based in Mexico City, it was according to the United States government that bribed the Republican congressman Henry Cuellar in exchange for lobbying in Washington against the money laundering laws that the United States government put forward. And the US Department of Justice indicted Cuellar and his wife on federal charges of conspiracy, bribery and money laundering to obtain $600,000 from an Azerbaijan oil company and a Mexican bank to use their public position and influence in foreign policy. SA towards Azerbaijan and put pressure on it. government officials to help the bank of Mexican origin to emphasize the anti-money laundering policies imposed by Washington. Cuellar has said, even before he was charged, that he and his wife are innocent of these charges. And speaking of private life, in the case of the American Congress his wife is also involved, as happened recently in Spain with the investigation ordered by a judge against Miss Begoña Gómez , the wife of the president of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, which has produced a complete farce that today has caused Sánchez to be compared by analysts and critics of his government “with leaders public of Latin America.” Who are they referring to?…The week is closing and the dice are placing Double Snake. Have a great weekend dear readers.

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2024-05-04 13:27:47
#President #crossed #line #Universal

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