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Andreas Gassen criticizes stigmatization of unvaccinated people

“Many people should be ashamed of this”

Head of statutory health insurance doctors criticizes stigmatization of unvaccinated people during corona pandemic


Pressure was often put on unvaccinated people during the corona pandemic. Many of them displayed an “inquisitorial self-righteousness,” says Gassen, head of the statutory health insurance doctors’ association.

Berlin. The chairman of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, Andreas Gassen, has criticized the way unvaccinated people have been treated during the corona pandemic. “Those who have not been vaccinated have been stigmatized too much,” Gassen told the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”.

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As an example, he cited the criticism of professional footballer Joshua Kimmich, who initially refused a corona vaccination. “Many people who were sometimes inquisitorial in their self-righteousness should be ashamed of that.”

“The issue of vaccination has been partly exaggerated”

“Vaccinations have neither reliably protected against disease in every case, nor have they prevented vaccinated people from transmitting the virus to others,” said Gassen. At the same time, he stressed that vaccinations have fundamentally had their value. “Vaccinating against corona for risk groups, i.e. the very elderly and those with pre-existing conditions, was and is enormously important and sensible.” However, the statement that those who are not vaccinated are to blame for the infections and deaths of others is not supported. “The issue of vaccination has been exaggerated in some cases.”

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The then Federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn (CDU), had spoken, among other things, of a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” during the Corona pandemic.

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