Home » today » Entertainment » Andrea Valdiri and Felipe Saruma got married: details of the luxurious party with exclusive guests | Entertainment

Andrea Valdiri and Felipe Saruma got married: details of the luxurious party with exclusive guests | Entertainment

Wedding rumors came true: the marriage of influencers

Andrea Valdiri and Felipe Saruma It was in style, with luxury guests and an impressive party. Despite the fact that, at first, they wanted to handle it hermetically, his relatives and different publications on social networks hinted that they had committed themselves and yesterday’s ceremony confirmed it.

Valdiri, who has been a trend all this weekend, showed all her charm and with a waste of sensuality, left those attending her wedding shocked.

Family, friends and followers were part of the luxurious reception in Barranquilla, where they were present Mr Black and his wife Yurani, Epa Colombia Katerin Peláez and La Jessu, among other personalities Colombian celebrity.

Among the reminders of the wedding, it was learned that each of the attendees was given a balladed gold coin with the face of the newlyweds.

Andrea entered the ceremony on her father’s arm; while, Saruma, in the company of her mother and one of the most emotional moments It was Valdiri’s speech, words to her now husband, a dedication that made more than one cry.

“Believe me that I came from a very difficult situation, which was my pregnancy and everything you knew. I reserved many things, because when you have children you want the best for them. This man took me out, he gave me that light, he motivated me. All pregnant women go through horrible times, incredible moods. He was there with me, he gave love to my daughters, he gave love to my family and he gave me what no one else has given me, which is love.” were some of his words.

The ponqué did not go unnoticed and with more than six floors it was one of the details that attracted the most attention in the luxurious marriage. In addition to the dresses that the Barranquilla influencer used to enjoy the dance and the wedding in complete comfort.

The truth is that April 16 will be a date that the new married couple will not forget, who are getting ready to live his honeymoon.

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