At the “Giovanni Zarrella Show” Andrea Berg talks about her Swabian Christmas dinner. But Giovanni, who is Swabian himself, is visibly confused.
Berlin – Christmas is just around the corner. At least that’s how it felt for many viewers of the “Giovanni Zarrella Show” on Saturday evening (November 18th) when Andrea Berg (57) performed a piece from her new holiday album. However, during the subsequent chat with the pop icon, Giovanni Zarrella (46) stumbled – because Berg’s Christmas Eve menu caused him quite a bit of confusion.
He doesn’t know “Göckele”: Giovanni Zarrella doesn’t understand Andrea Berg’s Swabian word
As Andrea Berg proudly explains after her performance, she and her loved ones always sit together in a large group at Christmas and eat “Göckele” – a dish that Giovanni Zarrella has apparently never heard of. “Now I just have to ask, what are Göckele?” he addresses his conversation partner, who explains: “Göckele are chickens in Swabia.”
What makes this situation so funny: Giovanni Zarrella is Swabian himself – but seems to have gotten a bit confused with his own dialect. “You should know that,” Andrea Berg explains to the moderator, who then finally seems to see the light.

On Saturday evening, the “Giovanni Zarrella Show” on ZDF, the international soccer match on RTL and “The Masked Singer” on ProSieben fought a ratings battle. But which format was able to win? Sources used: ZDF/Giovanni Zarrella Show/Episode from November 18, 2023
2023-11-19 15:51:51
#Andrea #Berg #confuses #Giovanni #Zarrella