On weekends, the Directorate General for Literacy and Non-Formal Education will now organize capacity building workshops for its agents. Hence the concept: Andragogy weekends”. Andragogy refers to adult learning while non-formal education covers programs aimed at improving a set of learners’ skills and competencies outside the formal educational curriculum.
“We hope through this initiative that the offer of non-formal education will reach its optimization”said the director general of literacy and non-formal education, Laure Alphonsine Yockah Okondo, during the very first workshop that inaugurated “Andragogy weekends” in Brazzaville.
The fundamentals of the non-formal education system; the legal framework of the general directorate of literacy and non-formal education; ethics and professional conduct; issues related to the computerization of the said system are themes that will be developed during the “Andragogy Weekend” among many others. “The new recruits made available to our structure will find during this workshop the elements necessary for accomplishment”, according to Laure Alphonsine Yockah Okondo.
In general, “Andragogy weekends” will therefore provide new recruits with the necessary information and elements of understanding of the non-formal education system. In addition, to other executives and agents to strengthen their operational capacities for the effectiveness of the pedagogical-andragogic action.
2023-08-24 18:58:00
#Nonformal #education #capacity #building #recruits