Home » today » World » Andine (9) found wedding ring on the seabed in Croatia – VG

Andine (9) found wedding ring on the seabed in Croatia – VG

THE DIVE: Andine loves to be out in the water. It was extra fun when she found something sparkling to hunt for.

Do you miss your old wedding ring? Then possibly Andine (9) found it.


Less than 20 minutes ago

When Andine was swimming in the small town of Makarska on the Adriatic on Tuesday, she noticed something shiny on the seabed.

– At first I thought it was a gem. It could be a nice treasure to have, I thought, she says to VG on the phone from Croatia.

After several attempts to bring up what the nine-year-old thought was a plastic bead painted in silver, the surprise was great when she realized what was actually down on the seabed.

– When she came up she was completely shaken, says her mother Karina Sigvaldsen.

– I think she was shaking because she thought it was a little treasure.

The ring has engraved the typical Norwegian name «Ola».

LOST: Nine-year-old Adine found this gold ring on the ocean floor when she dived.

They both think the wedding ring belongs to a woman, as it is small and narrow. The ring should be about five millimeters wide.

Now they hope to find the owner of the gold wedding ring with the help of a Facebook posts:

“This wedding ring was found by my daughter on the seabed in Makarska, Croatia. Just about. in the middle of the promenade. So you who married Ola, must tell me what date, then the ring will come to your home. Hope this is divided into east and west, north and south and of course up and down ».

The post has so far been shared over 11,000 times. So far, the owner has not registered.

BEACH: It was on this beach that Andine found the wedding ring.

– Do you think that the ring will come to the right owner in the end?

– Yes, I think so, says mother.

– I hope so, Adine adds.

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