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Ander Mirambell was a Russian porn actor for a few hours

Al skeleton pilot Ander Mirambell they have confused him on occasion with the actor Nicolas cage or with the soccer player Pablo Zabaleta because of his physical similarity to them, but he never thought that one night they would mistake him for a porn actor. The situation took place in a Japanese restaurant in the center of Innsbruck (Austria) Two years ago.

Ander himself explains it in these words: “I remember that after ordering the desserts and the bill at the restaurant, I got up to go to the bathroom, but my surprise was when they stopped me and asked me for a photo and to sign an autograph. I did not understand anything. I went to the bathroom thinking that they had confused me with a soccer player from the Spanish soccer team, since some players had gone to this restaurant ”.

My surprise was when they stopped me and asked me for a photo and to sign an autograph.

But Mirambell’s surprise was even greater when when he returned he asked his coach why he had been asked for the photo and the autograph and he replied: “He explained that they had asked me because they had mistaken me for a famous movie actor to adults, that the bar man said he saw a lot in Russian porn. He was sure that this actor was me, since I had seen many movies, and if I don’t remember correctly they invited us to desserts ”.

Two years have passed and Ander does not come out of his amazement at what happened that day. “It was very surreal and I haven’t been to that restaurant again. We have laughed a lot and we continue to laugh a lot with this story ”.

Ander recalled his ‘porn past’ in the RCD Espanyol’s comedy show ‘Perico Que Vola‘, which takes place every Monday at the L’Eixample Theater, in Barcelona. The entrance is open to everyone and the performance begins at 8:00 p.m.

With almost no time to rest, Ander Mirambell is on the verge of starting next season, on the hunt for his last Olympic experience. If all goes well, Ander will start the season on March 8, waiting for the calendar of the next season to be published, in which he will continue one more year in the World Cup with the best and with the firm objective of being the skin for being in the Olympic Games in Beijing 2022. A year in which there have been reduced from 30 to 25 available places for athletes, hence this year more than ever it is very important to have a good preseason to refine the body and the mind with a view to scoring the necessary points throughout the next season for the Winter Olympics, his fourth, after Vancouver 2010, Sochi 2014 and Peyeongchang 2018.

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