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Andalusian Network of Public Theaters brings Performing Arts to Municipalities in Córdoba: Schedule Highlights and Details

The Andalusian Network of Public Theaters will take theater and music shows to the municipalities of Baena, Montoro, Pozoblanco, and Villanueva de Córdoba. The program of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, managed through the Andalusian Agency for Cultural Institutions, brings the performing arts closer together with the municipalities that adhere each year.

This week’s program begins on Tuesday 30 in Baena with ‘A Leaky Fishbowl’ of the Barataria company. This theater show, which is part of the Abecedaria cycle, is made up of stories for babies from 0 to 3 years old and uses languages ​​used: visual poetry, oral storytelling, sign language, gestural theater and dance. This theater formation that was born almost two decades ago, to tell stories using the game as a creative tool. In addition, it will also be represented in Montoro on the 31st, and in Pozoblanco on the 1st of June.

He day 31 in Villanueva de Córdoba it will be seen ‘In Workshops’ of Leonor Leal’s company, and within Abecedaria. Full of oddments, instruments, tools and strange utensils, a percussionist and a dancer play at making sounds and dancing. Lost objects, things that nobody sees as useful, wait in this laboratory to be brought back to life, even if they don’t know with what new function.

The workshop is the space of the possible, of what does not yet exist and of what finally happens. A place of doubts, questions, wonder, humor and creation. Handling, stomping, cutting and mending. A scenic back room open to the public to follow the evolution of the protagonists in parallel to their other proposals; past, present and what is to come. The continuous fine-tuning, permanent revision, of everything that moves us and, therefore, moves us. Art and essay in the making of dance, sound, steps and music. Of the unexpected and the repair of the most used.

Next, ‘The Man Who Planted Trees’ by Teatro Gorakada will be performed, within the Abecedaria cycle, on June 1 in Baena, and on June 2 in Villanueva de Córdoba. This work tells the wonderful story of Elzéard Bouffier, an imaginary but totally believable shepherd who for many years dedicated himself to planting trees in a large area of ​​Provence and turning what used to be a wasteland into an area full of life and greenery. bleak. The author’s story begins in 1913, a time when he meets the solitary shepherd who planted trees, and ends in that same region more than thirty years later, when he visits it after the war and finds it turned into an orchard.

And to conclude the weekly programming, the Saturday the 3rd in Pozoblanco, will be ‘Conquistadores’ of Proyecto Cultura, a work to reconcile with history and with the world. Theater of the absurd with a contemporary staging that manages to make people laugh at the miseries without the need to judge, but to show them.

It tells the story of a ship is about to set sail for Las Indias. A thousand adventures await on the other side, unexplored lands, cities on water and unknown seas. An exciting show, with a daring scene, where we will travel through the game through Peru, Mexico or Chile at the hands of well-known historical figures such as Pizarro, Hernán Cortés, Malinche, Moctezuma, Inés Suárez, Pedro de Valdivia, Vasco Núñez from Balboa…

The Andalusian Network of Public Theaters is a project that meets the demands of the professional sector of performing arts and music, and the suggestions of the Andalusian municipalities. This initiative was created with the aim of supporting the programming of municipal stage spaces to promote the business and creative fabric of the community.

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2023-05-29 09:54:46
#Theater #music #shows #Pozoblanco #Villanueva #Córdoba #Andalusian #Network #Public #Theaters

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