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Andalusia receives 1.8 million vaccines adapted to the new covid variants

Booster vaccines against the Omicron variant and sub-variants B4 and B5, which are currently in circulation, arrive in Andalusia this week. We will receive the new vaccine in a few days. There will be exactly 1,800,000 doses adapted to this variant of the coronavirus. Y From 26 September it could begin to be administered to the most vulnerable sections of the population. Starting with those over 80 and those residing in a residence.

This was announced by the Minister of Health and Consumption of the Junta de Andalucía, Catalina García, who stressed that this shipment of doses against covid will allow to “start the vaccination campaign together with the flu campaign”; an issue that was also defended by the Andalusian community.

On the other hand, and after having specified that 178 people over 60 are hospitalized in Andalusia for coronavirus, 18 more than on Tuesday, he specified that it is “evolving well”. However, he alluded to the World Health Organization (WHO) to add that, despite “it may be close to being able to eliminate that pandemic declaration”, it is necessary to know that “the more the virus circulates,” the more replicas “and” problems “there could be. .

Therefore, he reiterated a appeal to “prudence”“, especially before the arrival of autumn and winter, when covid-19 will circulate, but also” many other respiratory viruses. ” the virus “. and let me answer.”

As for the goggle, García recommended “that vulnerable people and the elderly wear it” before the change of season. In his opinion, moreover, “this is not the time” to eliminate an element that is already mandatory in “very small” places, such as transport and health and social assistance centers.

“Precisely in the places where I think it should not be removed because we are entering a period in which we must protect ourselves not only from covid, but from many other viruses that bring so many problems in autumn and winter, hospitalizations and deaths”. she commented. .

In any case, the councilor said so “the centers and professionals are prepared” and they are “accustomed, not only to the pandemic, but to previous periods of high frequency”, at which point he anticipated that “a time with a high incidence of influenza is coming.” “For this we will have to be cautious,” she added.

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