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Andalusia focuses the 8M on the importance of education and the new generations for “real equality”


The delegate of the Junta de Andalucía in Cádiz, Ana Mestre, and the program advisor of the Andalusian Institute for Women (IAM) in Cádiz, Celia Mañueco, have presented this Saturday the institutional campaign of the Junta de Andalucía ‘The best is for grow ‘on the occasion of International Women’s Day, which is commemorated this Monday, March 8, and which focuses on the importance of education and the new generations for “real equality.”

Mestre has valued in the presentation the commitment of the Ministry of Equality, Social Policies and Conciliation, the IAM and the autonomous government of PP and Citizens in general with equality and the eradication of violence against women, according to the Board in a Press release.

“And we demonstrate it with deeds, not with words. That is why the IAM budget for 2021 exceeds 44 million euros for the second consecutive year. In the midst of the health, social and economic crisis, our commitment is redoubled and remains firm and clear. A budget to maintain and improve our basic pillars: care for victims of gender violence, promoting equality, co-education and employment, “he said.

Women’s Day in this pandemic year has to claim recognition for all women who have played a role in the fight against the health, economic and social consequences of the covid-19 pandemic,” said Mestre, who has highlighted the key role of education to build a more egalitarian society, an aspect on which this campaign is focused “.

The head of the Board in the province has highlighted the work of the IAM in the province, which “offers support to all women who need the support of public administrations”, and has highlighted actions such as the one that has served to reinforce the Cádiz reception centers with 16 more professionals for the care of victims of gender violence, now having a technical team made up of 37 people, which represents an increase of more than 76% (76.19%).

Along these lines, the delegate has made mention of the Vacacionantes program, in which 39 people, 17 women and 22 children who are welcomed in the Comprehensive Care and Reception Service for Victims of Gender Violence of the IAM participated last Christmas and will return to be done in summer, with the aim of “offering those who are far from their place of origin for security reasons, an affective and normalized environment so that they can enjoy the holidays, especially to minors”.

Ana Mestre concluded by highlighting that “with this campaign, the Ministry of Equality seeks to continue claiming the need to give an inclusive approach to women.”


For her part, Celia Mañueco has highlighted “the transforming power of education in progress and the construction of a more egalitarian Andalusia, focusing on the new generations who, thanks to equal education, will be the ones who will achieve the great transformations necessary to achieve our goal: real and effective equality between women and men “.

The IAM program advisor in Cádiz explained that the campaign is starring a girl who plays and grows up without stereotypes, without prejudice, without discrimination, achieving with her wings each of the goals and challenges. In addition, reference is made to feminists, historical and current, who led the way and continue today.

In this way, on the girl’s wings appear the names of women who have stood out in their fight for equality rights: Carmen Olmedo, María Zambrano, Clara Campoamor, Chimamanda Ngozi, Simone de Beauvoir, Concepción Arenal or Malala Yousafzai.

Likewise, in the image that illustrates the campaign, a metaphor is used in which the meter in all homes is related to measure the growth of girls and boys, linking it to the different challenges that still have to be faced: recognition of diversity , achieve equal pay, break all the glass ceilings, overcome the sticky floors that weigh us down, continue to guarantee rights, make co-responsibility and conciliation a reality and undoubtedly eradicate all sexist violence.

The campaign consists of a video, an audio spot and different means of graphic expression for social networks and other media such as posters, enaras and badges, which will be distributed to the Provincial Centers for Women.

The program advisor has underlined that the message for this 8M is that education in equality, coeducation, is a key and fundamental tool. “Let us educate in equality so that our boys can go where they want, so that our girls are not limited by social barriers, that they are not held back by gender gaps and that they do not suffer any type of discrimination because they are women.”

Mañueco has also referred that this 8M will be different due to the health situation generated by the covid-19 but has warned that “this will not be an excuse for us to firmly reaffirm our commitment and permanent activism.” The video of the campaign can be seen at the link ‘www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltMRfQAS3og‘.

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